800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Gates Foundation Gave Millions to Imperial College Behind Global Lockdowns AND to BioNTech (wkg with Pfizer for Vaccine)

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Note: The archive of recent HPA Newsletters re COVID 19 is located at:

People can sign up here for the newsletter. Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

We're providing more details you won't easily find elsewhere (and many are helping us find this info) ...


Dr Paul Byrne, MD speaking about COVID 19 and nursing home patients tonight, Wednesday Night 8 pm Eastern time

He will be interviewed by Marsha Joiner this coming Wednesday night at 8 pm on Blog Talk Radio

This interview will be archived so you can also listen later online.


Just a reminder that Bill Gates' Foundation (and some others') money is behind all of this:

Gates Foundation Gave $2.6 Million to Imperial College Behind Bogus Models that "justified" Global Lockdown

The Scientist Whose Doomsday Pandemic Model Predicted Armageddon Just Walked Back The Apocalyptic Predictions
MARCH 26, 2020  By Madeline Osburn

Gates also gave millions to Univ of Washington I.H.M.E. that produced horribly flawed models that were used to justify USA's lockdowns


Bill Gates, Et Al: Hints of Population Control Continue To Trickle Out
Jean Perier November 22, 2016


Pfizer working with German company, BioNTech (supported by Bill Gates Foundation!) making COVID 19 Vaccine

Coronavirus Research: Pharma Companies Pfizer, BioNTech Begin Trials Of Experimental Vaccine
By Wesley Dockery   05/05/20


Doctors Are Noticing a Dangerous Phenomenon Even After Wuhan Coronavirus Symptoms Clear
Leah Barkoukis   May 05, 2020

"Doctors around the world are noting a raft of clotting-related disorders -- from benign skin lesions on the feet sometimes called “Covid toe” to life-threatening strokes and blood-vessel blockages," Bloomberg reports. "Ominously, if dangerous clots go untreated, they may manifest days to months after respiratory symptoms have resolved."

These clots can be fatal or cause sudden strokes. Younger patients are also affected....."


Bill Gates' MicroNeedle Vaccine digital ID will use "Luciferase" enzyme to make your vaccine micro-tattoo readable

No, you won't be implanted with "chips" like those on a computer motherboard, but, you will be micro-tattooed with a digital ID that has your data on it and this technology is being backed by big Brother and governments around the world with funding from "big brother" Bill Gates and others:

‘ID2020 Alliance’ Will Combine Vaccinations & Implantable ID Microchips
October 31, 2019   by Geoffrey Grider

"Big Pharma is officially partnering with the tech industry to pair “immunization” with digital biometrics, meaning humans will soon be microchipped, tracked, and ultimately controlled through a global identification matrix.

For years we’ve been watching as Microsoft founder Bill Gates, now retired from the company he founded, use his billions to give ‘free vaccinations‘ to people in third world countries. 

Now Bill has become a founding partner in another company, this one is called the ID2020 Alliance, and its goal is to give every human being on Earth a digital id. How do they plan on accomplishing this feat? By combining mandatory vaccinations with implantable microchips. Genius, isn’t it? And coming soon to a theater near you, as the saying goes.

So now you know what Bill Gates and his wife Melinda were really doing over the past 10 years, travelling to third word countries and giving ‘free vaccinations’ to the poor, downtrodden natives. Those ‘free vaccinations‘ was research and a live testing lab to conduct the necessary experiments required to form ID2020.

And as you will see today, this unholy hybrid of vaccinations and implantable microchips is already happening in Bangladesh, soon it will be Boston. A page on the Gates Foundation website says that Bill and Melinda have so far invested over $2.5 billion dollars to this project, with no end in sight."

and what will make the micro digital ID readable?  Luciferase:

Luciferase is the enzyme in fireflies/"lightning bugs" and will be used in the microneedle vaccination program.

They've developed the technology to do this already:

Researchers develop microneedle patch for flu vaccination
June 27, 2017  NIH


Redfield and Birx: Can they be trusted with COVID?
MAY 05, 2020    By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

"U.S. military documents show that, in 1992, the CDC’s current Director Robert Redfield and his then-assistant, Deborah Birxboth Army medical officers—knowingly falsified scientific data published in the New England Journal of Medicine fraudulently claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop was effective. They knew the vaccine was worthless.

Redfield now runs the agency charged with mandating COVID vaccines. Birx, a life-long protégé to both Redfield and Anthony Fauci, served on the board of Bill Gates’ Global Fund. Redfield, Birx and Fauci lead the White House coronavirus task force."

"In 1992, two military investigators charged Redfield and Birx with engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.”

A subsequent Air Force tribunal on Scientific Fraud and Misconduct agreed that Redfield’s “misleading or, possibly, deceptive” information “seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole. His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine.”

The tribunal recommended investigation by a “fully independent outside investigative body.” Dr. Redfield confessed to D.O.D. interrogators and to the tribunal, that his analyses were faulty and deceptive. He agreed to publicly correct them. Afterward, he continued making his false claims at three subsequent international HIV conferences, and perjured himself in testimony before Congress, swearing that his vaccine cured HIV.

Their gambit worked. Based upon his testimony, Congress appropriated $20 million to the military to support Redfield and Birx’s research project.

Public Citizen complained in a 1994 letter to the Congressional Committee’s Henry Waxman that the money caused the Army to kill the investigation and “whitewash” Redfield’s crimes. The fraud propelled Birx and Redfield into stellar careers as health officials...."


Fauci: Mandatory Coronavirus Immunity Cards Under Consideration  (digital ID2020 plan)
by Dennis Behreandt   11 April 2020


CDF: Belgian Brothers of Charity hospitals must drop Catholic identity over euthanasia
CNA Staff   May 4, 2020


The Elderly, Nursing Homes, and the Veil of Silence
May 5, 2020   By Judie Brown


Complications Coronavirus Can Cause
WEBMD Staff  2020


The Great Price of America’s Great Lockdown


[Part 2] What’s After Flattening The Curve  FINANCIAL
Bill white   May 5, 2020


50 Tips From the Great Depression
By C. Davis    May 5, 2020


MAiD lobby using Covid-19 crisis to pressure Canadian governments to force Catholic hospitals to do euthanasia.
May 1, 2020    Alex Schadenberg, Exec Dir, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition


China is Hiding new COVID 19 outbreak in other provinces.
They kept Wuhan residents from traveling to other Chinese provinces, but now the virus is spreading to those other provinces, just as it is spreading in the USA beyond Seattle, New York, LA, or other big "hot spots."  It is unavoidable.

Second Wave of Virus Outbreak Spreads Further in Southern China
By Nicole Hao   May 4, 2020


'Feeding My Kids is Not Selfish': Salon Owner Sentenced to Jail After Opening Amid Shutdown
Ellie Bufkin   May 05, 2020


Sacrificing US Veterans To Own Trump:
The Hydroxychloroquine Hit Job
[to promote GILEAD's Remdesivir}

Red Flag: Fauci Forces [GILEAD's] Remdesivir Approval

As AAPS Confirms HCQ Cures 91%

You will have to make up  your own mind about this testimony uploaded to Facebook by an RN who went to New York to help with COVID patients and is horrified about what she has witnessed on the COVID units.  She uses her own name and has risked her career to tell the truth about what is happening in some (not all!) hospitals.


Tearful Nurse Blows Whistle on New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’
By Cassandra Fairbanks   May 4, 2020



she starts speaking about 18 seconds in

Note: this tearfulnurse is very upset, using expletives frequently (just how she talks), so bear with it or don't watch if you don't want to.  If this approx 23 minute video is removed from the site above, we have her video at the HPA website: 



See the video/documentary below (if you haven't already) to see the progression of Shi Zhengli's research summarized for you. The excellent documentary on this very subject by The Epoch Times is here:

This explains how the virus was engineered step by step using knowledge gathered in other nations such as the US, Canada, Australia, France, etc. It explains the Bat Lady's research history:

Documentary Explores the Origins of the CCP Virus
BY CATHERINE YANG     April 9, 2020


In the "Out of the Shadows" documentary, we see how the Nazi doctors were brought to the US and what the US, its CIA and other organization did to control what people today (and in the past) think:

You will understand what the Leftists have done with the entertainment media an
d society to control how many citizens think over the past several decades.

Read the The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network plan that we have all been subjected to throughout the world and pay attention to their "lockdown" plan.  Look at the chapter beginning on page 18 entitled:

"LOCK STEP Scenario Narratives"

"A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback."


"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

"...Supreme excellence
  [in defeating your enemy]
consists in breaking the enemy's resistance
without fighting."

                              -  The Art of War, ch III,2
                                   "Attack by Strategem,"
                                                    by Lao Tse

So, the "greatest" deception in this "war" is to get us -- their enemy -- to willingly agree to surrender to some degree of "martial law," shutdowns, or "more authoritarian" government, contrary to the US Constitution!

Bill Gates has repeatedly and publicly expressed support for reducing the human population by 10% to 15% (and don't let anyone convince you otherwise). He stated this as clear as can be many times, here, for example:

Innovating to Zero
Bill Gates TED Talk   Feb 20, 2010

Listen very carefully. He equates you and me to "the problem." He equates you and me to creators of "evil" CO2 emissions that must be reduced to Zero!

And, Bill Gates says very clearly that one part of getting to "zero" emissions is to reduce the world population by 10-15% through the use of vaccines!

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given $ millions in grants to the World Health Organization and the NIH.


Save Yourself from Immunity "Storm" 
Russell L Blaylock, MD
The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 15, No 4 

These supplements can be ordered online from SwansonVitamins.com or Puritan's Pride supplements  www.puritan.com or Mercola.com


CDC (CoronaVirus COVID 19 center)
World Health Organization (COVID 19 center)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to prepare and protect yourself
What to do if you think you are sick


If You are Sick or Caring for someone who is Sick

Johns Hopkins CoronaVirus Resource Center

COVID 19 Stats from every country

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We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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