You will have to make up your own mind about this testimony uploaded to Facebook by an RN who went to New York to help with COVID patients and is horrified about what she has witnessed on the COVID units.
MUST WATCH: Tearful Nurse Blows Whistle on New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’
By Cassandra Fairbanks May 4, 2020
she starts speaking about 18 seconds in
Note: this tearfulnurse is very upset, using expletives frequently, so bear with it or don't watch if you don't want to. If this approx 23 minute video is removed from the site above, we have her video at the HPA website:
The technical language she uses shows she knows nursing care and that is recognizable by those who work with ventilators, IV lines, etc. She is a real licensed RN (verified!).
She even mentioned a Resident physician defibrillating a patient who had a heart beat/pulse at 40/minute! Insane! And the patient died. Many examples given of total incompetent practice resulting in deaths not from COVID 19 but from actions that caused death. And of course, all those medical murders (must be done knowingly by many because they are so obvious to anyone who works with patients) are listed as "COVID" deaths.
You decide what to think.
The propaganda that "Either you try to save lives from COVID 19 or you save the economy" is a False Dichotomy. It's not an "either or" thing. We can do both without destroying lives or the economy. Both are damaged by the effects of this pandemic, but we don't have to add to the damage with bad public policy that destroys the middle class and pushes millions into poverty.
Poverty creates sickness, violence, despair, and death. There are thousands of studies that show this. Many of us would rather give our lives than see the freest nation in the world surrender to totalitarian socialism and lose the God-given rights our Constitution sets forth.
Yes, they need a real pandemic to have a crisis that they can use to force the changes they seek, create more authoritarian forms of government, compel people to be vaccinated or take their very expensive "chosen" remedy "Remdesivir" rather than simply being cured beforehand with a very cheap and over 91% effective (some say 100% if given early!) Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin/with zinc regimen.
Doctors who have used it all over the world say it works. The studies saying it didn't work had the sickest patients for the hydroxychloroquine, didn't use zinc which must be used because that's what prevents the virus from replicating in side the cell, or used obviously incorrect dosages that were not recommended by anyone using the drugs!
The people who created the "study" designs of hydroxychloroquine have grant contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with Gilead Science that is producing Remdesivir, the not so great but extremely expensive/profit making drug for Gilead. What a completely corrupted process! But the media just cites the bogus results of the rigged studies.
These "studies are not scientifically valid and are hit jobs by a big Pharma company that wants to make sure they get the OK around the world to sell their drug! Gilead has been investigated by the Congress for obscene pricing that victimized many with various illnesses including HIV and Hepatitis, for example.
They are allowing many to die so they can sell their drug and that is a crime against humanity. When there is a drug that works, the people can be saved, but that would prevent them from implementing their publicly announced plan to change the world.
Navarro: Coronavirus Lockdown ‘Indirectly’ Killing Americans
TRENT BAKER 4 May 2020
Here's Dr Fauci Wishing for new pandemic in November 2019
GSK and Sanofi COVID-19 Vaccine Produced in Insect Cells with Squalene Adjuvant
by Barbara Loe Fisher and Rishma Parpia May 4, 2020
Watch this video interview with one of the most knowledgeable experts who has researched vaccine harms for decades!
Physician and Vaccine Harms Expert, Dr. Tenpenny:
This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race…
May 2, 2020 Spiro Skouras interviews Dr Sherri Tenpenny
NO vaccine has ever been tested against placebo
and they have not been proved to be safe or effective. She explains that for the vaccine makers, "effective" only means that a person forms antibodies! It does not mean you are protected and won't get the infection!
Dr Tenpenny exposes what they are doing and how manufacturers and the government officials are all protected from any liability:
You won't be able to sue the manufacturers for any drug, vaccine, or biologics, technology, or software they use as a countermeasure to COVID 19 for whatever they do to you or your loved ones!
Nobody will be able to sue Bill Gates, DARPA, the corporations, the government, the doctors or other agents who force the vaccinations or medications or technology onto you and your loved ones.
The Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19 (effective Feb 4, 2020) basically gives TOTAL immunity to the vaccine manufacturers for any harms done to those who receive the vaccines!
summary at: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/03/17/2020
pdf at: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-03-17/pdf/2020-05484.pdf
See Dr Tenpenny's website: VAXXTER
with scientific articles exposing vaccine myths and Pharma foibles
Coronavirus Pt 1: How Soon We Forget – Same Playbook, Different Virus
Coronavirus Pt 2: ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’, Replay
Zinc must be used with Hydroxychloroquine
(the bogus VA study set up by a Gilead grant recipient that makes competitor/expensive Remdesivir, didn't use Zinc!)
See Dr Anthony Cardillo, MD just over 1 minute video:
He says that in his experience treating patients, every patient that has been given it, along with Zinc, has symptoms reduced in several hours!
11 minute video with Dr Oz also saying Zinc should be used with Hydroxychloroquine
Dr Oz (with Dr Cardillo, MD)
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