800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


The Rush to play God thru Messenger RNA Vaccines for COVID 19 :  Genetically Re-Engineering the entire Human Genome

You and your children's children will be forever genetically altered through mRNA vaccines!

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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter. Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

We're providing more details you won't easily find elsewhere (and many are helping us find this info) ...


People are beginning to question Dr Fauci's several "mistakes" and suggest that he is incompetent or untrustworthy.  No, he is clearly not so incompetent.  If we look at everything he's said that was inaccurate or inappropriate, they don't make sense normally.  He's very slick.

However, everything Fauci has said and done absolutely does make sense if the purpose was to not protect Americans' health!

Dr Fauci's actions make complete sense if his purpose all along was to get the USA to the place where we would need a global response, a more authoritarian government, a crashed economy that favors the Left (people needing government support and a destroyed Middle Class), and the people would be so scared by 24/7 media coverage of deaths, deaths, deaths so that they would readily accept a global vaccination program.

Remember, Fauci was/is a member of the the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) that created the report for the UN and the WHO, "A World At Risk - Annual Report on Global Preparedness for Health Emergencies"  See:

All the media are promoting the contact tracing, testing, and the race for a vaccine that will "save us all" from the virus.  Well, no vaccine saves all, and many have serious adverse effects for some. The type of vaccines being developed have never been used before anywhere!

Fauci is not dumb! And he is great friends with depopulationist, Bill Gates and the rest of the global elites.  The rush for a vaccine doesn't meet normal medically sound safety standards at all! 

And a vaccine for a corona virus has never been successful. Have you ever heard of a vaccine for a "cold?"  Well, this is a manipulated variation of a "cold" type virus, a corona virus.

This is global Insanity: the rush to messenger RNA vaccines that will bio-engineer your DNA & your children's children's DNA!  And you can't sue them or do anything about it as the manufacturers laugh all the way to the bank.

A US government declaration that a "Public Health Emergency" exists due to COVID 19 has been declared and been renewed and is currently, and will be, in effect for months to come or more realistically. 

The PREP ACT gives total immunity to the governments and manufacturers when they give you those RNA vaccinations (that have never been used before) that are being rushed to you.

"The 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act ("PREP Act") added new legal authorities to the Public Health Service (PHS) Act to provide liability immunity related to the manufacture, testing, development, distribution, administration and use of medical countermeasures against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents of terrorism, epidemics, and pandemics." See:


You really find it hard to believe that they really do believe many should die, don't you? Well, they do, and they have said so. These are just two webpages explaining the depopulationists' agenda in a way you will recognize:

“Sustainable development” is catchphrase of UN radical environmental de-populationists
The new UN report on women makes for grim reading, if you can decipher it because it is written in UN femspeak with radical and subversive meanings.
Nov 6, 2014   By Steven Mosher

List Of 32 ‘Elites’ That Support And Promote Depopulation
Alexander Light   October 11, 2018


Please understand that we are looking at the biggest, global (crime against humanity) experiment ever perpetrated upon all of mankind without going through the normal safety testing that is supposed to be done on medications and vaccinations anywhere.

This is not about politics. This is about likely harm to a very large percentage of the human population!

Stat News is a somewhat Left-leaning science source but even they are horrified about this vaccine being introduced without proper testing:

Researchers rush to test coronavirus vaccine in people without knowing how well it works in animals

“I don’t think proving this in an animal model is on the critical path to getting this to a clinical trial,” said Tal Zaks, chief medical officer at Moderna, a Cambridge, Mass.-based biotech that has produced a Covid-19 vaccine candidate at record speed. He told STAT that scientists at the National Institutes of Health are “working on nonclinical research in parallel.” Meanwhile, the clinical trial started recruiting healthy participants in the first week of March.

That isn’t how vaccine testing normally happens. Regulators require that a manufacturer show a product is safe before it goes into people, and while it isn’t enshrined in law, researchers almost always check that a new concoction is effective in lab animals before putting human volunteers at potential risk...."

"The question is complicated by the newness of the science at play. The technology that has allowed Moderna to craft an experimental vaccine so fast has not yielded a single immunization that’s made it to market so far. It’s a trendy idea: Instead of injecting people with a weakened pathogen or proteins from the surface of a pathogen, so that our bodies will learn to fight off such infections in the future, scientists are betting on a kind of genetic hack, a lab-made concoction that gets the body to produce its own virus-like bits which it will then train itself to combat.

At the center of it all is a molecule called messenger RNA, or mRNA. Inside of us, its normal function is to transmit the instructions contained within our DNA to the cellular protein-making factories that carry them out. In Moderna’s recipe, the mRNA is synthetic, programmed with the goal of getting our inner machinery to produce certain coronavirus-like proteins — the very proteins that the pathogen uses to gain entry into our cells. Once those homemade dummy virus particles are there, the thinking goes, our bodies will learn to recognize and clobber the real thing...."


As Bobby Kennedy, Jr has stated

"Even if only 1 in 10,000 people die among those who get these vaccines globally, that would be over 700,000 people who die and many others who will be harmed."

The vaccine would likely be worse than the virus itself!  But all our leaders have jumped onto the bandwagon promoting the vaccine as the only way our societies can reopen.

Who says we can't get back to a free society eventually?  Do we really trust them?  Do we trust them when they tell us that their vaccines will be "safe?"

No vaccine has been studied and found to be really "safe."  They all have adverse effects just as medications do, and over $4 billion has been paid out in the USA alone to those few who actually went to the "vaccine court" and proved that their children were damaged by vaccine injury.  So many others never bothered to do that or didn't know how to, and others all over the world didn't even have somewhere to go to ask for such financial compensation.

Well, my question is, "After the so-called "Great Flu Pandemic(s)" of 1917-1920, did they "only" go back to normal functioning with a vaccine that protected them?  Obviously, not!  We don't need a vaccine to go back to normal and we don't have to go to a "new normal" they are promoting. 

Yes, a terrible virus has been circulating globally and infecting millions and sickening and killing so many, but that does not mean that we hand over our freedoms to those who have a political agenda and use it to further that agenda which is clearly anti-Christian, anti-freedom, and anti-God.

We can protect the immuno-compromised without imprisoning entire societies in their own homes, and we can provide intelligent advice about how people can promote their own immune system and minimize any hyper-reaction of that immune system, thereby avoiding the "cytokine storm" that creates much of the damage. In those affected, we can also provide anticoagulant medications or supplements that avoid the problems arising from the attack on the blood's ability to carry oxygen and clotting.

The new vaccines are messenger RNA vaccines and have never been used before and have never been proven safe!  The messenger RNA will instruct our cells to make something that was never part of our genetic makeup!  Think about this.

If you want to talk about playing "God," these vaccine manufacturers and those funding them (like Fauci by directing grant funding, Gates, and others) are megalomaniacs who think nothing of messing with God's genetic design of mankind!

That is what this is all about!  Genetic engineering and what the consequences of these vaccines will be is completely unknown.  But we can easily know that there will be terrible harms arising from these vaccines.

These vaccines will not contain an antigen from "the" virus (of which we already know there are dozens of strains), but it will have a snippet of genetic code from one of the strains that will be inserted into the body in a way that makes your own body produce the antigen of the virus!  In other words, your cells will be making the virus's DNA.

This will effect all the cells in our bodies. But when will that stop?  Never.

Who will instruct your cells to stop making the virus' antigen? Nobody.

Do any of the scientists know how to tell our cells to stop making the virus' DNA?  No!

So, can they stop whatever happens to us, if we later find out it harms us all or most of us? No!

And if your body (and your children's children's children's children's bodies) keep(s) making that antigen, what effect will that have on your body and generations to come for all time?  Nobody knows what will happen!  Nobody has played God with our DNA before but Fauci, Bill Gates and his elitist, globalist "friends" believe they know better than God or anyone who tells them that this is one of the most dangerous experiments ever perpetrated upon mankind.

Please understand this: this is experimental genetic engineering on all the people of the world without any scientific basis, without testing on animals, without any proof at all that it is safe, without even the possibility of knowing if it is save for generations later on, and without giving informed consent to the people of the world.

We will all be guinea pigs in a global genetic engineering project and those who do this to us will be immune from any liability!

Watch Part Two of:

The Truth About Vaccines to learn about this from the experts who have been raising the alarm:
With Bobby Kennedy, Jr; Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr Andrew Wakefield, Judy Mikovits, PhD, Del Bigtree


Why “Operation Warp Speed” Could Be Deadly
by Barry Brownstein, PhD   May 11, 2020


Bioweapon Labs Must Be Shut Down and Scientists Prosecuted
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola   May 12, 2020

key points:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently stated that SARS-CoV-2 originated in a biosafety level 4 lab in Wuhan, China

According to Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, BSL 3 and 4 labs must be banned to prevent a catastrophe

Serious safety breaches have been identified at laboratories working with the most lethal and dangerous pathogens in the world

In October 2014, a U.S. moratorium on experiments on coronaviruses that might make the viruses more pathogenic and/or easy to spread among humans took effect. The moratorium was lifted at the end of December 2017

Despite the U.S. moratorium, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID, allowed coronavirus gain-of-function experiments to continue because they had begun before the moratorium was put in place. The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 calls for fines and/or up to life in prison for anyone involved in the creation of a bioweapon


When worn for longer periods of time for the healthy, but even for shorter periods for those who have respiratory issues:

Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


Anthony Fauci has a mad scientist vision to track, surveil American citizens
By Cheryl K. Chumley   The Washington Times  April 15, 2020

"... And now Fauci’s calling for the same in America.

“The minimum thing is that you’ve got to be able to identify, isolate, get out of circulation, and do adequate and appropriate contact tracing as new cases arise,” he said ...”

Think about that people.

Fauci, the face of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration announced by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation back in 2010 — a member of the Leadership Council of this very Gates Foundation-tied Decade of Vaccines program — is using his White House platform and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director position to not only push for widespread, national, even global administration of a coronavirus vaccine, but also for the government authority to track citizens. To surveil citizens.

“To identify, isolate and get out of circulation” citizens that don’t meet the coronavirus safety standard...."


The Government Has Chosen the Winners and Losers In the New Normal!
Which List Are You On?
Submitted by Dave Hodges on Monday, May 11, 2020


Dem Illinois Gov Crosses the Line, May Be Restricting Churches for Over a Year
By C. Douglas Golden   May 10, 2020


Of Pandemics and the Partisan Divide
Why so much difference between Democrats and Republicans on reopening?
by DAVID CATRON   May 12, 2020


Samaritan’s Purse doctor describes time at NYC field hospital: 'It was hard'
By Leonardo Blair, Christian Post Reporter  May 12, 2020


Hundreds of California Churches Plan Reopen on May 31st despite Governor's Orders
Milton Quintanilla   ChristianHeadlines.com   May 11, 2020


Snyder: It's Much Worse Than You Are Being Told
by Tyler Durden   05/11/2020


Why Lockdowns are the Wrong Policy
by Johan Giesecke, MD   May 11, 2020 |


Gretchen Whitmer Lashes out at Michiganders:
Lockdown ‘Not Optional,’ Orders ‘Not Suggestions’
KYLE OLSON   12 May 2020


Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci Not ‘End All’ Authority on Coronavirus Response
SEAN MORAN   12 May 2020


Vitamin D Supplementation Could Possibly Improve Clinical Outcomes of Patients
Infected with Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19)
9 Apr 2020 Last revised: 7 May 2020  Mark Alipio  
Davao Doctors College; Univ of SE Philippines


It is not even conceivable that Governor Cuomo did not know that ordering nursing homes to take infected COVID 19 patients into the nursing homes would not cause massive numbers of deaths!

Andrew Cuomo’s Order Forcing Nursing Homes to Accept Coronavirus Patients
Killed Over 5,000 People


Just as we will experience re-appearances of infection surges here and there, over and over as the virus spreads throughout the population (many of whom were not previously exposed due to "lockdowns"), China has its own share of re-surging infection hotspots:

Locals Describe [NEW] Severe Virus Outbreak in Wuhan
BY NICOLE HAO    May 11, 2020


Economic devastation from coronavirus could eventually kill more than virus, report says
By Edmund DeMarche    Fox News  May 12, 2020


Are "they" counting those who die because of their unscientific policies?

Thousands of People Are Dying at Home Due to the Lockdown
Excess deaths due to patients avoiding hospitals over coronavirus fears
11 May, 2020        Paul Joseph Watson


Epidemiologist Slams Disgraced U.K. Scientist’s Coronavirus Model:
‘Grave Scientific Misconduct’
ALLUM BOKHARI    11 May 2020


Michigan Judge Sides with Barber, Rejects Gretchen Whitmer Demand to Close Shop
KYLE OLSON    11 May 2020


Carney: South Korea’s Economic Contraction Is Worse Than America’
JOHN CARNEY   11 May 2020


Socialism thrives when there are the elites who are in control and the poor who depend upon the government and are controlled by them. Socialism dies when the people have hope, and socialism kills hope wherever it thrives!

Pollak: 5 Ways Democrats Are Making Job Losses Worse
JOEL B. POLLAK   11 May 2020


Courts Halt Kentucky Gov. Beshear’s Ban on In-Person Church Services
DR. SUSAN BERRY    11 May 2020


Mnuchin: ‘Permanent Economic Damage’ if Country Doesn’t Reopen
PAM KEY      10 May 2020


This is it! If you wish to understand what the globalist Leftists plan, how they work, read:

Radical Radical: Deceptions and the Cultures of Death

Behind it all, this is actually a spiritual war and for those of us who recognize and revere the God who gave us life, there are angelic and dark forces actually working in the lives of the people and our leaders, battling over the fate of the people of the Earth!

We must pray for the people of the world! And we must get right with the dear Lord!


Chinese scientist, Shi Zhengli's (the Bat Lady's) research:

Is this a research trail possibly showing potential progress toward a bioweapon?
How would we ever know?
We do know Fauci funded "gain of function" research at U of N Carolina Chapel Hill
& in Wuhan!

This video by The Epoch Times explains how the virus was likely engineered step by step:

Documentary Explores the Origins of the CCP Virus 


The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network plan: 

"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

"LOCK STEP Scenario Narratives"

"A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback." 

The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB of which Fauci is a member) September 2019 Report back to the UN and the W.H.O.,
"A World At Risk - Annual Report on Global Preparedness for Health Emergencies" that "imagined" a deliberate, intentionally released lethal respiratory virus:


Save Yourself from Immunity "Storm" 
Russell L Blaylock, MD
The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 15, No 4 


These supplements can be ordered online from SwansonVitamins.com or Puritan's Pride supplements  www.puritan.com or www.mercola.com


CDC (CoronaVirus COVID 19 center)
World Health Organization (COVID 19 center)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to prepare and protect yourself
What to do if you think you are sick


If You are Sick or Caring for someone who is Sick

Johns Hopkins CoronaVirus Resource Center

COVID 19 Stats from every country

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All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341

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