800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Vaccines are Not the Answer! Tyranny is not the answer! - rational treatment and protection of the vulnerable is 5-9-20

A Real Dangerous Pandemic but an evil and deceptive Manipulation of the World's Population!

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Note: The archive of recent HPA Newsletters re COVID 19 is located at:

Videos saved at the HPA site discusing COVID 19 issues can be found here:

People can sign up here for the newsletter. Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

We're providing more details you won't easily find elsewhere (and many are helping us find this info) ...


The Vaccines & Lockdowns are not the Answer! Common sense and appropriate medical treatments are!


UPMC doctor argues COVID-19 not as deadly as feared, says its hospitals will shift back to normal
Apr 30, 2020   Pennlive    By David Wenner

"A UPMC doctor on Thursday made a case the death rate for people infected with the new coronavirus may be as low as 0.25% — far lower than the mortality rates of 2-4% or even higher cited in the early days of the pandemic.

Dr. Donald Yealy based it partly on studies of levels of coronavirus antibodies detected in people in New York and California, and partly on COVID-19 deaths in the Pittsburgh region. The studies found that 5-20% of people had been exposed to the coronavirus, with many noticing only mild illness or none at all, he said."   "“We’ve learned that way more people, far, far more people have actually been exposed to the infection without any knowledge of it. That makes the overall death rate much lower,” said Yealy, who is UPMC’s chair of emergency medicine. “Many people just didn’t feel sick at all and recovered without difficulty.”

Yealy went on to offer a hypothetical scenario of 3% of Allegheny County residents being exposed — a conservative number compared to the findings of the New York and California studies.

That would mean about 36,000 people in Allegheny have been exposed to the coronavirus. With 94 COVID-19 deaths in the county as of Thursday, it would mean 0.25 percent of people exposed to the coronavirus had died, he said.

“There is a big difference between 0.25% mortality and 7%,” Yealy said.

Yealy said about 1,300 people in Allegheny have tested positive for COVID-19. That would mean, in his hypothetical scenario, another 34,700 had been exposed but had no symptoms. He noted the latter group may also have antibodies to protect them from future infection, although he pointed out it’s still unknown how much protection people get from previous exposure to the new coronavirus."


It's time for actual medical insight to be applied without a political agenda guiding decisions that are devastating our economy and will lead to many more millions dying and being pushed into poverty throughout the world.

Fauci, Birx, and others can pontificate about what a virus may or may not do -- and can be wrong over and over again -- but they will not predict how many will be pushed into poverty, how many suicides there will be, how many crimes will be committed, how many hospitals will fail due to THEIR policies, how many will die because there is no funding for healthcare at all!

Our nation has allowed well-known, documented, Left-wing politically-motivated experts like Fauci and Birx drive our nation and others into the ground, pushing a flawed policy that prevents herd immunity from being achieved, and drives millions out of business and out of work, and is swiftly moving to create a global Depression.

Yes, I completely question their motives! 100%!

Their predictions were used to justify the flawed policies that are part of an agenda to implement globally more authoritative Leftist governments that has openly been promoted by Bill Gates, the UN, the WHO, and globalists around the world.

Nobody would have believed that these policies would ever be seen in our lifetimes, yet here we are.  It's almost as if King George III had come back from the grave to impose tyranny upon America.  Do we now have monarchs to rule over us again?

It's now clear to anyone with eyes open that this actually is the defining moment for our nation:

Will we forever surrender our rights before these tyrants who pretend to care about our lives, or,

Will we refuse to lock ourselves up and in refusing to do so, save the very foundations of our societies, our rights, and our children's rights?

Or, will we meekly submit to government "protection" until there is almost no economy at all and the majority of us must walk breadlines and beg for work and government handouts?  Will we betray our duty to our children by following those who have always favored abortion, socialism, censorship, bullying, and division?

Only if massive numbers of us refuse to shut up our businesses and then go to work, can we survive as a free nation!

Only if massive numbers of us refuse to be brainwashed by those who really don't care about the lives of the elderly or most of us, can we save the nation.

These same people are the ones who celebrate when laws are passed allowing the killing of the newly born. These are the ones who told us that abortion is a "sacred" right or rite of their culture of death. These are the ones who tell us that the elderly are not productive and they should not be guaranteed services that others receive.  These are the ones that promote stealth euthanasia and look away when medical killings are reported.

They do not care about life; they are actively seeking deaths of millions through a variety of methods disguised as "caring" policy.  Economic devastation alone will cause millions to die, and they know it!

Some of the young may end up less fertile through adverse effects of improperly and inadequately "tested" vaccines or drugs.  Many will die because effective treatments are made to be unavailable and condemned!  Treatments that cost thousands of times more than inexpensive and effective treatments will be available for those who have access but many will get neither the expensive or the inexpensive treatments.

We have learned much.  Now, it is time for the people to go about their living, go about their businesses, and throw off the restraints of leaders who are leading our nation into the ground and will then blame those who sought to save us from the swamp.

Many of our brave soldiers risked their lives and many died to preserve the American freedoms our nation has been blessed to enjoy.  Can we do less?

Many risk their lives to come here because they yearn for freedom from oppression.  They are not risking their lives to enter China, Cuba, Iran, or North Korea, for example.  If we allow our freedoms to be destroyed by these tyrants, a powerful light for freedom all over the world will have been snuffed out. We cannot let that happen!

It is time to open up.  Yes, soldiers died for this very cause.  Yes, some will die from COVID 19 or the flu or some other illness, but we are not a nation of fear, and some will die no matter what we do!

Our nation was built by those who overcame their fear and overcame terrible opposition and tyranny.  Many of us would rather die than see our nation's freedoms erased and our children enslaved by these Leftist tyrants who only seek greater and greater power over the people: the antithesis of the America we love.

Listen to the physicians who have successfully treated COVID 19 without thousand dollar drugs and saved them. Vaccines are not necessary and anything they produce will not be safe. They don't guarantee people won't get infected!  They will assure us that some antibodies are produced. So what?  That doesn't guarantee safety or health!

Listen to the economists who recognize that the raging poverty they have gleefully invited will result in the deaths of millions. Like sadistic, sardonic ghouls, they know their riches will not be endangered because they are "the elite." They laugh at the suffering of others.

They care nothing about the homeless, the drug addicted, the mentally-ill who languish on the streets in their districts while they eat expensive ice cream.

Understand finally!  These tyrants themselves have told us through the years that they planned to create their global "new normal" with the elites (them) in control. 

I wrote about these radical radicals and how they use deception to establish their cultures of death.  They have long desired to destroy our free nation.  Well, now they are moving in for the kill shot!

This is it! If you wish to understand what they plan, read:

Radical Radical: Deceptions and the Cultures of Death

where what they do and how they do it has been spelled out for you. Share it with those who do not understand.

Wake up!  It is not time to hide and cower in our homes.  It is time to live and deny power to those who would impose a culture of death.

Here below is a short video of a physician who represents thousands of other physicians who know we have been lied to about what is best for our nation and the people.  He knows that the policies being implemented are counter-productive and terribly harmful:

MUST SEE: Family Practice Dr. Jeff Barke Grabs Microphone — Unloads on Disastrous Coronavirus Rules Promoted by Liberal Media
By Jim Hoft   May 8, 2020

"What if the experts are wrong.  What if quarantining the healthy doesn’t actually save lives.  What if wearing a mask in public is not effective.  My name is Dr. Jeff Barke and I’m here representing thousands of physicians across the country whose voices are being silenced because we don’t agree with the mainstream media and the experts who are telling us what to do.

"Never in the history of this great republic have we quarantined the healthyNever in the history of this great republic did we tell churchgoers that it’s illegal for you to exercise your First Amendment right of freedom of religion yet at the same time it’s essential to keep pot dispensaries open."

Short video is here (if taken down by Youtube):
Dr Jeffrey Burke, MD speaks out about the Wrong-headed, unscientific, damaging policies in our nation
May 8, 2020   (6 minute video that will finally bring common sense to our nation)


Here are other expert physicians who also know we have been lied to about what is best for our nation:

Expert Testimony Before Senate Contradicts Media’s COVID-19 Narrative
Dennis Behreandt   08 May 2020  New American 

"...Wisconsin physician Pierre Kory, associate professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. In his testimony, Dr. Kory noted that he was part of a group of world-renowned critical care experts working to save patients with COVID-19 that has come up with their own treatment protocol for the disease.

Called the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Working Group, the physicians involved call their treatment for the disease the MATH+ protocol. It was developed specifically to counteract the inflammation and excess clotting that is experienced by severe COVID-19 sufferers.

The protocol includes treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone, high-dose intravenous vitamin C, full-dose low molecular weight Heparin (an anticoagulant), and optional treatments with thiamine, zinc, and vitamin D. Readers can learn much more about the treatment protocol at the FLCCC’s website, covid19criticalcare.com"

"Members of our group have now treated in excess of 100 hospitalized patients with our treatment protocol,” Dr. Kory noted. “Nearly all survived, the 2 that died were in their eighties and had advanced chronic medical conditions. None of the patients have had long stays on the ventilator nor become ventilator dependent. The patients generally have a short hospital stay and are discharged in good health.”

Nearly all national and international health societies such as the WHO, CDC, ACP, ATS, and many others have issued treatment recommendations focusing almost solely on ‘supportive care only’ strategies, things like Tylenol for fever, gentle hydration/nutrition then oxygen or a ventilator to support breathing,” he pointed out.

This strategy is clearly failing as evidenced by unprecedented death rates and widespread and life-threatening shortages in ventilators, ICU beds, and ICU physicians and nurses. Our early recognition of the failure of this treatment approach is what prompted us to form our group...."

"Also providing expert testimony to the Senate committee was Dr. David K. Katz. A specialist in preventative medicine and public health, trained at Yale University, and the founder of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, Dr. Katz has also volunteered in an emergency room in the Bronx during the COVID-19 outbreak there. He told the committee that the policy of lockdowns should be replaced with a policy that recognizes and avoids the harms inflicted by the more tyrannical measures heretofore preferred by state governors.

We should adopt ‘total harm minimization,’ aimed at mitigating the direct harms of COVID19, and the indirect harms of societal upheaval and economic collapse, as our national policy objective,” he told the committee.

“This is best pursued by means of risk-based (i.e. vertical) interdiction policies that shelter/protect those most vulnerable to severe infection and grave outcomes, while phasing back to relative normalcy those in lower risk groups.”

Moreover, he pointed out, the goal should be to achieve herd immunity to end the pandemic...."


Now, if you watch anything else in the next day or 2, watch this. It will only be up for free for the next 2 days!
Please watch this now and share it widely with others!

Here is an explanation of how they planned these draconian changes long ago and have fooled us into following them down a path to the destruction of America, the indoctrination of our children, and the loss of freedom throughout the world:

Grinding America Down
a full length movie available for free or next 48 hours! Please WATCH and SHARE
by Curtis Bowers 

This movie masterfully presents what is happening to take America down.  Made in 10 years ago with a decade now to substantiate its substance.      Worth every minute of your shelter-in-place time. Don't miss it.     Pass this invitation on!

The "AGENDA [movie] is the most powerful expose of the communist, socialist, progressive attempt to take over America produced so far."  -  Ted Baehr, MovieGuide

"Winner of the $101,000 Jubilee Grand Prize at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival!
Available only until tomorrow, MAY 10th! Please SUBSCRIBE and share with family and friends.

"When Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a "letter to the editor" about the drastic changes in America's culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then... he'd hit on something.

"Ask almost anyone and you'll hear, "Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down." And though the word communism isn't used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well. Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It's not just another conspiracy theory. It's a well documented agenda."

for more information, see:  https://www.agendadocumentary.com


There are some who are in "dreamland" and believe that this COVID 19 will end globalization.  They look at nations' leaders who are looking to bring factories back to their own nation or move them somewhere else besides China.

Well, of course, many nations are questioning having most of their industrial production in China, but that does not mean the damages caused by globalization will be ended or that efforts to create a global "new normal" will stop. 

If Leftists gain control of the nations as they have in many parts of S and Central America and Canada (with the USA headed that way for a long time), if the EU survives and puts down any "rebellion" by member states that were lulled in by the promise of economic benefit, then globalism is very much alive and well.

How China will fit in after Leftists take over the rest is an open book yet to be written, but globalists are salivating at the prospects of finally establishing their dreams with COVID 19 responses.  They say it over and over and seek to "re-imagine" their nations, their states and cities in a "better," "fairer," "more equitable" way that respects Marxist social justice principles.

Just as some conservatives and pro-lifers see some progress reducing abortion in some states and believe we're on the brink of seeing a pro-life revolution, they are living in a fantasy. In the blink of an eye, that progress in protecting life can be erased. With one Supreme Court decision, or the seizure of the Presidency, and both houses of Congress, all that would be gone for sure.

We are on the brink ... the brink of disaster invited by the Left with their incredible, arbitrary, illogical, unjust and disastrous policies that are devastating the middle class and small businesses and their employees all around the world.  The Left desires more citizens dependent upon government, more single mothers dependent upon welfare and the government to protect them fewer marriages, fewer fathers involved, fewer stable families.

If economic collapse is allowed to be created by the Leftists (and that is what they are consciously doing), we will not have the societal resources to pull ourselves out of this mess for decades.

Judeo-Christian values and that worldview have always been the central stumbling block for the Stalinist Leftists who now call themselves progressives.  When they say they care, beware.  Leftists always find a way of ending up with the killing of millions who don't accept their tyranny and evil.

They always find a way to kill: whether through abortion, policies that destroy the black families, encouraging free sex/promiscuity and sexually transmitted diseases especially HIV/AIDS, for example, homosexuality, drug use, pornography, human sex trafficking and slavery, and the division of one group against the other.

We are being and have been consciously divided, separated, social-distanced so that we cannot unite and stand up against that agenda. That's what their "community organizing" and protests have always been about.  Under the guise of saving us they are systematically undermining all our rights. Wake up.

All you need to protect your rights is to go about living, go about running your businesses en masse, patronizing those businesses and standing up to the tyrants that do not care one bit about your life.

Though they pretend to be doing it all in the name of the unquestionable "Science!"  ... their interpretation of "Science," of course, is whatever justifies their draconian rules.

Just as was done during the Inquisition, you can't question their "Science," or you will be figuratively burned at the stake, censored, shut down, humiliated, and destroyed if your voice is too strong.  And just as was done during the Inquisition, or Nazi Germany, or Stalinist Soviet Union, people are being encouraged to snitch on each other and pull people apart from one another.

Yes, we must protect the elderly, the immuno-compromised, and treat those who acquire an infection, but don't give up your lives to these tyrants!  This is their Big Push.  Those of us who have been warning about such tyranny in healthcare saw this trend decades ago, because that is where they start, just like in Nazi Germany.

Again, I ask: where did the 1600 Nazi doctors and scientists go?  They worked for the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and then were brought to the US in Operation Paperclip.  Where did they go and what was their effect on the US?  Who did they mentor and who did those students of the Nazi doctors and scientists mentor in turn?

Can you really tell us that none of the scientists in the US government, at the NIH, at the NIAID, at the "U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) --  the only Biosafety Level 4 laboratory in the Department of Defense, in Fort Detrick, Maryland -- do not agree with the secular utilitarian worldview that the Nazis held?  If you think "some" of them might agree, what percentage do you think would agree? 10%, 25%, 50%, or more?

Can you really tell us these utilitarian, secular humanists who devalue the value of human life are not in the Congress?  Sitting in Governors' mansions around the country? Or in your county health departments and telling you what you can and can't do? 

What is a secular humanist anyway? Someone who elevates man above God.  We've seen that before and it's called evil and always leads to death.

It's time to wake up, people.


One governor who cares about life protected life.

The other governor, Cuomo, cares about his mother, but sent the infected into the nursing homes to assure death to others' mothers and fathers!  ... He has committed crimes against humanity! He knew what would happen.

Florida vs NY Nursing Home Deaths
Tucker Carlson with Dr Marc Siegel


Covid 19 and Nursing Homes
Nancy Valko, RN    May 8, 2020


DEFIANCE: Michigan Barber Vows to Stay Open ‘Until Jesus Walks In or Until They Arrest Me’
The people are rallying around this valiant barber.
May 7, 2020     By Shane Trejo


If vaccines are so safe, why would the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program have paid out over $4 billion to date?

Think about that before you start to believe that never-before-used RNA based vaccines that are "rushed" to market will be even safer!

$4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing
Staff   Children’s Health Defense     Nov 19, 2018

Did you know there are over 36 mostly mandatory vaccinations that most physicians require and many schools require be routinely given for children from birth to 18 years of age? Many of them are given in the first few months of life. Some at birth!  If you add a yearly flu shot, you would have over 50 by the time children reach 18 years of age!

"They" wish to control adults as well -- all for our own benefit, of course.

The World Health Organization (Gates Foundation is 2nd largest funder!) has its "Decade of Vaccines" Global Vaccine Action Plan. They say they wish to provide "access" to vaccines for everyone on Earth. Or, will it be forced vaccinations?

That didn't work out very well for thousands and thousands of those in India and Syria who were paralyzed, or in Kenya who were sterilized involuntarily! 

The W.H.O. and UN have a decades-long documented history of seeking to reduce the population of the Earth.  The depopulation agenda is very real!

They call it guaranteed access to "women's reproductive rights," to vaccines, to "health" services, but in practice around the world this often includes forced abortifacient "contraceptives," abortions or sterilizations (through surgery, vaccines, drugs). Reducing rather than increasing the number of hospitals was part of the Obama science advisor, John Holdren's plan.  What would that do, I wonder.

Exposing the Global Population Control Agenda
By Brian Clowes, PhD   January 26th, 2017  Human Life International

Don't believe that? Check it out!  See:

Decade of Vaccines and Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020

Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger
2020   US CDC

Did you know? Did you think money has not been a huge consideration in all of this?

Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory -- lucrative! -- vaccine
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Gates Foundation’s Vaccination Activism
By Eric Wagner   Global Research   April 21, 2020

Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination
APRIL 09, 2020   By Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense

Yes, the internationally-known physician who told American seniors, "You have lived long enough," so there is no guarantee you will have access to "basic services under Obamacare. ...   Yes,  ... Obama's health advisor, Ezekiel Emanuel, MD (former chief "ethicist" at the NIH) confirms that if "they" get their way, you should be required to have an immunity passport (but he prefers the term "license) and you may have to show your "passport" or digital ID to be allowed to function in society and live freely.

If you or I don't have one of these Gates-approved, Ezekiel Emanuel approved, Fauci-approved "licenses," I guess we just won't be allowed to live freely!  And "they" think that's the right thing to do and is just fine!

The Ethics of COVID-19 Immunity-Based Licenses (“Immunity Passports”)
Govind Persad, JD, PhD; Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD
JAMA.  May 6, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.8102

Put that together with the Gates Foundation funding several companies that have created digital micro "tattoo" IDs.


No RNA vaccine has ever been used or shown to be effective to prevent infection before, yet we're all supposed to just "BELIEVE" Bill Gates, the depopulationist ... "Believe" the "Science."

And we're supposed to willingly allow ourselves, everyone of us to be tracked, surveilled, forcibly removed from our homes if "they" decide we need to be isolated and quarantined for whatever reason.

Why?  Because we're all supposed to be afraid, to live in fear for our lives, to fear others who may infect us and our family members, and to snitch on those neighbors who might have the courage to go play in a park, throw a baseball, play basketball, or terror of terrors ... actually work and earn a living! What terrible crimes!

And if you dare to post something on the internet that challenges the "science" of the depopulationist, secular humanist, seemingly demonically possessed tyrants who dance and pop champagne bottles to celebrate the ability to kill the newly born on the table, if you dare to question these actual Nazi-like tyrants, you are condemned.

If you love the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, you are labeled a threat.  King George of England said the same of George Washington, John Adams, Ben Franklin, and the rest.

The idea that there will be a form of "immunity passport" is not only believable, it really is happening. With the "race" to create and actually vaccinate everyone on Earth, that everyone will be "encouraged" by force to be vaccinated is staring us in the face.

A few months ago, nobody would have believed we'd be in a global biologically-based martial law shutdown, but here we are. The item by item stepping stones toward a real totalitarian government are being fashioned incrementally and it's obvious for anyone whose eyes are open.

People who warned about these changes years ago were mocked and considered "conspiracy nuts," but the real conspiracy is right in our face: tyrannical, global, authoritarian seizure of control for every person on the planet. 

They are elitist, anti-life, anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-freedom, and pro-communist tyranny.  THEY will decide what each of us will do, but they will not follow their own restrictions (as we've seen repeatedly).

Bill Gates wants to reduce global population due to fears of "Global warming," which was said to cause ocean water levels to rise and flood the shores all around the world. Yet Bill & Melinda just bought a $43 million ocean-front property, and they had 3 kids.  That doesn't reduce the population!  Right!  It's do as they say, but not as they do!

They can fly around in their jets while we ride bicycles!

Global warming scam artist, Al Gore, bought an $8.9 million ocean front property in 2010. The Obamas bought ocean-front property. If every shoreline was going under water, why would they do that?

If they believed that "Climate Change" would bring more severe weather that would devastate the coastlines, why would they buy these properties in the very beachfront zone they say is endangered?

And if they believed in the "cause," why would they fly around in their private jets that spew more carbon pollution than any of us would do in years?







Behind it all, this is actually a spiritual war and for those of us who recognize and revere the God who gave us life, there are angelic and dark forces -- light and dark -- actually working in the lives of the people and our leaders, battling over the fate of the people of the Earth!

We must pray for the people of the world! And we must get right with the dear Lord!

People of faith need to speak up, not back down, not close down, and not be fearful and isolated.  Yes, some may die, but we heal those we can and do our best.

However, choosing to succumb to this evil, tyrannical dark agenda would be agreeing to snuff out the light of faith that brings hope to each one of us on Earth.  And yes, those of faith are being attacked specifically in this dark agenda, closing churches but allowing abortion clinics and liquor stores and gambling and marijuana? Dark and insane.

Those who celebrate the ability to kill new-born infants on the table are clearly possessed by a very dark worldview and spirit!  We do all need to pray for the people of the world, renew our connection with God, change our lives, and resist any attempts to impose more draconian, evil-minded edicts that have nothing to do with actual science and will destroy the lives of many, not from COVID 19, but from poverty, famine, violence, crime, riots, and societal chaos to come.


WATCH: Citizens Swarm Cops Arresting Woman for Being On Beach — Force Them to Stand Down
Matt Agorist   May 8, 2020


MUST listen video from amazing experts on all aspects of COVID 19, the mandatory vaccine plan, the surveillance state, etc:

If you really want to understand what is really going on with this disease, with the push for mandatory vaccines, what the "gain of function" research was all about, and what we need to do, watch this:

The Truth About Vaccines 2020 (Part One)   1 hr
Bobby Kennedy, Jr., Dr Sherri TenPenny, Dr Andrew Wakefield, Dr Rashid A Buttar, Judy A Mikovits, PhD, and Del Bigtree



In just one more disgusting move by NY Governor Cuomo, the Christian volunteers with Samaritan's Purse who set up a volunteer hospital to care for patients in NY will have to pay NY State income tax somehow.

 Gov Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio's policies: Punish the Christian volunteers, but let criminals out without bail as soon as they get arrested and processed, celebrate the ability to kill the newly born on the table, send infected into the nursing homes to intentionally kill the uninfected elders by infecting them ...  What can be more perverse?

Of course, the anti-Christian Leftists never stop to persecute those who honor God:

Andrew Cuomo Confirms New York Will Tax Out-Of-State Volunteer Health Workers. Congress Can Stop This.
Patrick Gleason   May 8, 2020   Forbes


The following threat to haul people or their children out of their homes if they tested positive for COVID 19, was retracte by the county health director after an onslaught of criticism and outrage arose. He later stated that he did not say what we clearly said (video proof is widespread).

Contact tracing everyone when a virus is widespread is antithetical to established public health policy and is only a means of creating a surveillance state.

Dr Scott Atlas, explains that

"contact tracing is not valuable after a disease is already widespread, even though it would be an important part of the overall preparation for potential future outbreaks.

Total isolation must now end to limit the enormous harms accumulating from sacrificing vital health care and imposing economic lockdown."

How to reopen society using medical science and logic
BY DR. SCOTT W. ATLAS   05/03/20  TheHill.com


This is insanity!  You don't do "contact tracing" when an infection has spread throughout the population! This is just creating a surveillance police state.  You do contact tracing when an outbreak is very small and can be contained! This is not science, this is tyranny:

H.R.6666 - To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes.

116th Congress (2019-2020)     House - 05/01/2020 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce


Many doctors, coroners, funeral home directors, and others report they are being pressured to label non-COVID deaths as COVID without any proof they are COVID related deaths.  Why? Obviously, the numbers would be inflated (while yes, there are very real, terrible cases occurring), and thus scare the people, all of us, into accepting the draconian edicts of Leftist tyrants that wish to transform our healthcare system and our societies completely.   Another Italian official comes forward to express the truth of the matter:

Member Of Italian Chamber Of Deputies Rips Into “False Coronavirus Numbers”: “Italy Knows It’s A Hoax… Stop Lying! I Have The True Numbers! – It’s A Way To Impose A Dictatorship!” (Video)

 Tim Brown /  May 7, 2020


If you think 5G is all about faster internet speeds, you would be quite mistaken, and the technology has never been tested to be safe.  We are all the guinea pigs now!

5G: The EMF Readings Are Off The Charts!
The Sons of Liberty Media   Bradlee Dean   May 7, 2020


Lawsuit Filed Challenging N.Y. Mayor de Blasio’s Suspension of the First Amendment
By AFLC   May 7, 2020

"...The right to freedom of speech is not a right to catharsis. It is a right to meaningfully protest and assemble in public in order to change public policy. The most effective way to exercise this right is to organize and participate in a large public protest. Defendants, through the adoption and enforcement of executive edicts, have suspended this fundamental right in the City of New York...."

"AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise added:

“Too many leftwing, progressive politicians like Mayor de Blasio see this current pandemic as an opportunity to impose draconian restrictions on fundamental rights and liberty.  Mayor de Blasio’s latest effort to suspend the First Amendment in the City of New York is one of the most egregious restrictions we have seen.  It is unfathomable that a government official’s thirst for power would go this far.  He needs to be stopped, and we intend to do so.”


Petition to Fire Fauci
Matt Staver Liberty Council   May 7, 2020

"There is explosive information being released about the misbehavior of Dr. Fauci and concern over his manipulation of disease research. Evidence is growing and has reached a tipping point.

There is no room on the President's task force for people who hide the results of important studies, lie to the public, and push the agenda of Bill Gates to trace and vaccinate every person on the planet.

Now is the time to #FireFauci for his misbehavior...."

"There is a little matter of money involved - lots of money!

The drug that Dr. Fauci has picked to push is Remdesivir, created by Gilead Science, LLC.

While some are quick to point out that Dr. Fauci will not benefit directly from sales of this drug, that ignores a four-year promise from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to give 100 million dollars to the NIH, the parent group of the institute of which Dr. Fauci is director. In addition, an additional 100 million dollars has been promised to help distribution if research is successful.

"George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the WHO are all shareholders in UNITAID, the patent sharing subsidiary of Gilead, which coincidentally is in Wuhan. Both Gilead and UNITAID have donated to the (ultra-corrupt) Clinton Foundation," reported Martin Geddes.

This means Dr. Fauci's group is getting 100+ million dollars from the same people whose new, patent-pending drug he is pushing.

There is still just one more little problem with Dr. Fauci.

The new patent-pending drug that he is pushing is called Remdesivir. When this new drug was studied, its main "success" was to reduce the time spent recovering for people who had already survived the worst of the disease. However, the clinical trial shows that statistically zero lives were saved by using it, according to a report in The Lancet.

Yet, Remdesivir is the drug that Dr. Fauci is choosing to push."

Sign our petition to President Trump to clean the White House now. - Mat

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Utilitarian abortion zealot, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, is guilty of crimes against the elders in nursing homes. The Governor released criminals from prisons so they would not get infected, but required nursing homes to take in infected patients which then resulted in thousands of elderly dying:

Andrew Cuomo Under Fire for Directive Requiring Nursing Homes to Accept Coronavirus Patients
JOEL B. POLLAK   26 Apr 2020


India adopts use of Hydroxychloroquine for prevention of COVID19 in Health workers
David    March 26, 2020

Well, if it's so ineffective, why give it to every healthcare worker who are at highest risk because they are working with COVID 19 PATIENTS?


Will the industry sell COVID-19 meds at the min production costs?
April 15, 2020 By expresspharma

A recent study by Andrew Hill et al in the Journal of Virus Eradication projects the minimum costs to manufacture new treatments for COVID-19. Given that most of these are not new medicines but ‘repurposed’ existing medicines, the authors estimated the minimum costs of production from the costs of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) using established methodology, which had good predictive accuracy for medicines for hepatitis C and HIV amongst others. Data were extracted from global export shipment records or analysis of the route of chemical synthesis. The estimated costs were compared with list prices from a range of countries where pricing data were available.

Hill et al estimated that the minimum costs of production were
$0.93/day for remdesivir,
$1.45/day for favipiravir,
$0.08/day for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ),
$0.02/day for chloroquine,
$0.10/day for azithromycin,
$0.28/day for lopinavir/ritonavir,
$0.39/day for sofosbuvir/daclatasvir and
$1.09/day for pirfenidone.
Costs of production ranged between $0.30 and $31 per treatment course (10–28 days). The authors point out that the current prices of these drugs were far higher than the costs of production, particularly in the US.

At these low production costs, there is no doubt that pharma companies can price these off-patent generic drugs competitively and yet make enough profits, without running into losses. There is no doubt that this study will be used by policymakers in governments to drive tough price negotiations to ‘help ensure affordable access to vital treatment for COVID-19 at low prices globally’, as the study notes in its conclusion.

However, prices of APIs are currently higher than normal, thanks to supply chain disruption. Freight rates are also higher than normal as governments are wary about consignments coming in from pandemic hotspots.

[NOTE THAT this Zydus Cadila is a company in India and they are using HCQ routinely for ALL frontline healthcare workers]

Zydus Cadila and IPCA the major manufacturers of HCQ in the country have ramped up production to meet the orders from state governments as HCQ has been prescribed as a prophylactic for frontline healthcare workers. Pankaj Patel, Chairman, Zydus Cadila has gone on record to state that his company will be supplying the ICMR at a price lower than the government regulated price, that is a little less than Rs 3 per tablet. The company has also proactively stopped HCQ exports for now to focus on meeting domestic needs.

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) welcomes this important pricing study highlighting that potential medicines for the treatment of COVID-19 could be made available to all at affordable prices during this pandemic.

As Jessica Burry, Pharmacist, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Access Campaign puts it, “… now is not the time for price gouging and pandemic profiteering. Patents and monopolies will only result in limited supply and unnecessarily high prices. Rationing drugs because of high prices and limited supply will only serve to prolong the pandemic. What good is a lifesaving drug if you can’t afford it?”

Can the pharma industry resist pressures from investors and shareholders and sacrifice profits this time? This will be the litmus test. After all, investors and shareholders are not immune from the coronavirus. The reward might be long in coming but will be worth it: a chance to regain patient trust.

Fair price for Gilead's COVID-19 med remdesivir? $4,460, cost watchdog says
by   Angus Liu |  May 4, 2020

[costs for Remdesivir treatment may range from $1,000 (very low end of possibility) to $4,460 and more; costs for generic hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc?  a few dollars]



Denying Science” means accepting cheap, safe, and effective treatments, that do not make pharmaceutical companies Billions.
May 6, 2020 by IWB


And remember: Bill Gates donated millions to the Imperial College (and every other "player" in this agenda, including the WHO, NIH, Vaccine makers, Remdesivir maker (Gilead), and certainly supports efforts by big Tech to censor anyone who questions his global agenda. But Gates is not a doctor or a scientist!  Why should everyone in the world be subjected to his plan to reduce the world population through vaccines?

Yes, he said that that is one way he would reduce the population many times.  Not that vaccines are going to directly kill people, but they could make some sterile or less fertile, or disabled, or chronically-ill, or susceptible to other problems.  Vaccine harms are well-documented and billions have been paid out just in the USA by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Imperial College Model — NOW CONFIRMED AS A COMPLETE FRAUD — To Persuade President Trump to Lock Down Entire US Economy!
By Jim Hoft   May 6, 2020


Rising unemployment causes higher death rates, Yale researcher shows
May 23, 2002   Staff YaleNews.edu


Strong Correlation Between Unemployment & Mortality Revealed
WorldHealth.net   Apr 25, 2011

Losing Life and Livelihood: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Unemployment and All-Cause Mortality
David J. Roelfs, et al,  Soc Sci Med. 2011 Mar; 72(6): 840–854.
2011 Jan 27. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.01.005
PMCID: PMC3070776  NIHMSID: NIHMS269025  PMID: 21330027


Watch this video and then decide for yourself.

Plandemic Part 1: Dr Judy Mikovits Speaks out about Corrupt big Pharma, Vaccine Harms, and Threats to People by the COVID 19 Global Agenda
At Facebook (if it's not taken down): https://www.facebook.com/mikki.willis/videos/2769241289853478/?t=2

We have it here as well:


Research shows that Government Mandated Lockdowns Don't Work
Liz Wheeler  One America News  May 5, 2020
at Youtube (if they don't take it down):  https://youtu.be/7X7tk7gbBi0
We have it here if they do take it down:


The criminalization of science whistleblowers: A mind-blowing interview with Judy Mikovits, PhD
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD Fired, Jailed, and Destroyed Because She Found Proof of Vaccine Harms

Dr. Anthony Fauci was part of the gang that silenced and destroyed Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD who revealed vaccines and blood supply contaminants caused some cancers and many auto-immune diseases
aplanetruth.info & NaturalNews.com   Mike Adams interview with Dr Mikovits   June 8, 2018
video at: https://youtu.be/MBEI48og9mM
Mirrored (in case it is censored) and preserved at:

"Dr Judy Mikovits  PHD exposed the fact that vaccines are contaminated with XMRV disease & cancer causing retroviruses from mice. She was subsequently fired, jailed & bankrupted for exposing this....



See the video/documentary below (if you haven't already) to see the progression of Shi Zhengli's research summarized for you. The excellent documentary on this very subject by The Epoch Times is here:

This explains how the virus was engineered step by step using knowledge gathered in other nations such as the US, Canada, Australia, France, etc. It explains the Bat Lady's research history:

Documentary Explores the Origins of the CCP Virus
BY CATHERINE YANG     April 9, 2020


In the "Out of the Shadows" documentary, we see how the Nazi doctors were brought to the US and what the US, its CIA and other organization did to control what people today (and in the past) think:

You will understand what the Leftists have done with the entertainment media an
d society to control how many citizens think over the past several decades.

Read the The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network plan that we have all been subjected to throughout the world and pay attention to their "lockdown" plan.  Look at the chapter beginning on page 18 entitled:

"LOCK STEP Scenario Narratives"

"A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback."


"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

"...Supreme excellence
  [in defeating your enemy]
consists in breaking the enemy's resistance
without fighting."

                              -  The Art of War, ch III,2
                                   "Attack by Strategem,"
                                                    by Lao Tse

So, the "greatest" deception in this "war" is to get us -- their enemy -- to willingly agree to surrender to some degree of "martial law," shutdowns, or "more authoritarian" government, contrary to the US Constitution!

Bill Gates has repeatedly and publicly expressed support for reducing the human population by 10% to 15% (and don't let anyone convince you otherwise). He stated this as clear as can be many times, here, for example:

Innovating to Zero
Bill Gates TED Talk   Feb 20, 2010

Listen very carefully. He equates you and me to "the problem." He equates you and me to creators of "evil" CO2 emissions that must be reduced to Zero!

And, Bill Gates says very clearly that one part of getting to "zero" emissions is to reduce the world population by 10-15% through the use of vaccines!

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given $ millions in grants to the World Health Organization and the NIH.


Save Yourself from Immunity "Storm" 
Russell L Blaylock, MD
The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 15, No 4 

These supplements can be ordered online from SwansonVitamins.com or Puritan's Pride supplements  www.puritan.com or Mercola.com


CDC (CoronaVirus COVID 19 center)
World Health Organization (COVID 19 center)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to prepare and protect yourself
What to do if you think you are sick


If You are Sick or Caring for someone who is Sick

Johns Hopkins CoronaVirus Resource Center

COVID 19 Stats from every country

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All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341

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