On 15 May 1857, Williamina Paton Fleming was born, the Scottish-American astronomer who progressed from being a maid for Prof. Edward Pickering, to an assistant in clerical and computational work, and to a pioneer in the classification of stellar spectra.
She trained other women to do mathematical calculations, who were known as the Harvard Computers (and sometimes less flatteringly as Pickering's Harem).
This Obituary of Williamina Paton Fleming was written by Annie Jump Cannon, a Harvard Computer, who learned the skills from Fleming, and made significant contributions to the classification of stars in her own right.
On 15 May 1863, Frank Hornby was born, the English inventor and toy manufacturer who patented the Meccano construction set in 1901. He introduced Hornby model trains in 1920, originally clockwork and eventually electrically powered with tracks and scale replicas of associated buildings. The “Dinky” range of miniature cars and other motor vehicles was added in 1933, followed by Scalextric. Today's book pick is: Frank Hornby: The Boy Who Made $1,000,000 with a Toy, by M. P. Gould
It is available from Amazon, typically about New from $19.95. Used from $24.77. (As of earlier time of writing - subject to change.)
It can even be thought that radium could become very dangerous in criminal hands, and here the question can be raised whether mankind benefits from knowing the secrets of Nature, whether it is ready to profit from it or whether this knowledge will not be harmful for it. The example of the discoveries of Nobel is characteristic, as powerful explosives have enabled man to do wonderful work. They are also a terrible means of destruction in the hands of great criminals who lead the peoples towards war. I am one of those who believe with Nobel that mankind will derive more good than harm from the new discoveries. | |
Each volcano is an independent machine—nay, each vent and monticule is for the time being engaged in its own peculiar business, cooking as it were its special dish, which in due time is to be separately served. We have instances of vents within hailing distance of each other pouring out totally different kinds of lava, neither sympathizing with the other in any discernible manner nor influencing other in any appreciable degree. | |
Even a wise experiment when made by a fool generally leads to a false conclusion, but that fools’ experiments conducted by a genius often prove to be leaps through the dark into great discoveries. |
Before you look at today's web page, see if you can answer some of these questions about the events that happened on this day. Some of the names are very familiar. Others will likely stump you. Tickle your curiosity with these questions, then check your answers on today's web page. | |
Births | |
| A French physical chemist, born 15 May 1859 was a cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. He and his wife discovered radium and polonium in their investigation of radioactivity. What is the origin of the name of polonium? |
Deaths | |
| Robert Morris Page (1903-1992) was an American physicist who was a radio pioneer but also who made outstanding contributions to the work done at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in the years prior to World War II. His invention was vital to the Allies during World War II for detecting enemy planes, ships, and other targets. Page continued research after the war in peacetime applications. To what technology did he contribute? |
Events | |
| In 1836, Francis Baily observed “Baily's Beads.” After retiring in 1825 from a successful business career, Baily turned to science. He revised several star catalogs, and repeated Henry Cavendish’s experiments to determine the density of the Earth. What phenomenon is known as Baily's Beads? |
| In 1940, nylon stockings went on sale to the public for the first time in the United States in Wilmington, Delaware, and at stores throughout the U.S. They were an immediate hit. A remarkable number were sold in several hours. (In 1939, nylon stockings had been sold for the first time to employees at DuPont’s Wilmington, Delaware nylon factory.) How many pairs of nylon stocking were sold on the first day of public sale? |
| In 1957, a nation’s first H-bomb was exploded in the air off Christmas Island in the central Pacific Ocean. Which nation exploded its first H-bomb in May 1957? |
Fast answers for the previous newsletter for May 14: the Eightfold Way (after Buddha’s Eightfold Path to Enlightenment and bliss) • adsorption chromatography • William P. Lear • “57 Varieties” • the decade including the year 1856 • Edward Jenner • Vaseline.
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