800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Historic Trends in our time may be overcome with great efforts + Last HPA newsletter

without a societal recognition of the value of all human lives, the nations descend into anarchy, chaos, supremely cruel injustice and terrible suffering

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Please note that Ron Panzer's email address is now: rpanzer AT servermx.net

If you wish to be added to Ron's email list for any future emails sent out by him, send him an email with the Subject line: Subscribe

This is the last HPA Newsletter as the State of Michigan has now processed the documents finalizing the dissolution of HPA.

There are many contradictory reports about what "scientists" have discovered or "proved" about the SARS CoV-2 virus and the illness "COVID 19." Nothing much is certain except the agenda being played out all around the world re-making the world's nations' governments and societies into a more authoritarian globally connected tyranny.

One moment we are told that lockdowns will "flatten the curve," and next flattening the curve of hospitalizations no longer matters; only stopping the spread of "cases" became the goal even if very few percentage-wise became sick. What is happening to make some sick is not really understood, but the remedies that help those with symptoms are known and we have shared what physicians have successfully used.

There is much deception occurring and almost everything on the nightly "news" is either a lie outright or a partial truth aimed to mislead the public.

We encourage you to read, copy, and share the information located at our COVID 19 information page that includes what has been 100% censored by the major media (both liberal and conservative).  The global coup is ongoing and "they" do not plan to relinquish the more authoritarian rule they have grabbed for themselves:

The news reports and articles are endless but the truth remains and does not change.


You may enjoy this as we say goodbye as an organization
(but not as individuals).

"The Last Goodbye"
by Billy Boyd
from the film's closing credits song, The Hobbit, the Battle of the Five Armies based upon the Christian allegory, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by the wonderful writer, J.R.R. Tolkien

Well, this is the last goodbye from Hospice Patients Alliance as an organization, but individually we are still alive and "kicking" and sharing our witness to the world. There have been dozens of board members and volunteers who have helped us through the years and for that we have been blessed and are grateful! And I miss many who have already passed on.

The many volunteers and workers who have been involved in pro-life advocacy around the world have been sharing this message of life for decades. They have given these years of their lives to save others and open their eyes to the realities of life itself and to the reality of His love manifested through them in action -- not for any personal gain.

Certain periods in mankind's history are more pivotal than others. We live in a historically pivotal time.  Very great and possibly terrible changes are upon us and only with dedicated efforts by individuals may those terrible changes be avoided.  We have shared the warnings with the people, but people need to listen and open their eyes! Otherwise, they do such horrific acts without understanding what they do.

Only when we turn back and give our heart without reservation to the one who is true, to what is true, just, and glorious love.  We can each seek that in our own way till that one dear and blessed Lord reveals Himself in all splendor and light raining His grace upon us as only He may do.  Then His joy will fill our hearts and we will know His peace and understand His will for us in this life.



by Ron Panzer

February 21, 2014

Like a delicate flower
held in the hand,
We shield our patients' lives
from the threats that arise.

all is well.
Yet, in a moment
life struggles to remain.

Dance in the ways of caring!
Share your joy in task after task
like the hummingbird drinking
nectar from the garden's flowers.

Pray for the strength needed,
the wisdom to know how,
the endurance to last
through this night's trial.

Hold back the darkness
till Another comes to take this one.

Friend one moment,
teacher the next,
Remind her why we are.
Remind yourself why we are.

Friend one moment,
student the next,
Remember that we can only truly be
when we're what we were meant to be.

Dance with joy
like the field of sunlit flowers
blown by the wind!

Remain true to your greatest love!
Guide us in our merciful mission!

Though you have been
and will be betrayed,
yet shed your warmth
on those so desperately in need.

Till the race is done,
day after day beat on!
Dance on till finally,
you and I can rest.


We encourage all to support our friends at the following wonderful pro-life organizations and sites:
Life Issues

The Healthcare Advocacy & Leadership Organization (HALO)

The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons

American Life League

Choice is an Illusion

Euthanasia Prevention Organization

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - USA

LifeTree Organization

Scholl Institute of Bioethics


If you thought the States in the US are tyrannical, Australia is one of the worst. If you wish to understand what could happen here down the road, here's a description from an Australian citizen about what she is experiencing there. Why they are imposing such a severe lockdown is part of the Great Re-set and imposition of the "new normal" tyrannical Technocratic rule:

Lockdown victim: "This isn't human"
from Tom Woods' blog   Oct 12, 2020


'Christianity Doesn’t Belong in China':
Communist Officials Demand Churches Replace Crosses with Nation's Five-Pointed Star
by Milton Quintanilla    October 9, 2020


Much of the cost "of the pandemic" has been caused by the arbitrary and mostly unscientific imposition of "lockdowns" and the rules that prevented many Americans to access ordinary care and treatment for their non-COVID illnesses and injuries.

COVID-19 pandemic to cost Americans roughly $16 trillion,
study says
Oct 12, 2020   Foxnews.com


W.H.O. Condemns Coronavirus Lockdowns,
Just ‘Doubling’ Global Poverty
SIMON KENT         11 Oct 2020


Assaulting Science in the Name of Science:
Exploring the Coronavirus Crisis of 2020
A Compilation and Commentary on Online Essays 


We mentioned how a move to solely digital currency would become part of the new "Global Reset" with a total surveillance State. Some nations are moving forward (in addition to those who are already implementing this):

Bank of Japan to begin experimenting with digital currency next year
By Leika Kihara   Oct 8, 2020


If We Don’t Fight Back Against Corona Fascism,
It Will Never End
by Scott Morefield     Oct 12, 2020


World Bank, UN, Harvard, Think Tanks Warn COVID-19 Lockdowns, Response Leading To Global Starvation, Food Disruptions
by TOM PAPPERT    October 11, 2020

COVID-19 has caused global economic disruptions that threaten global food supplies from Africa to Latin America to the United States 


WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu
Head of Health Emergencies Program “best estimates”
put Infection Fatality Rate at 0.14%
by Kit Knightly  Oct 8, 2020


from an inspired Christian view:

Coronavirus: Origin, Reason, and Remedy
March 13, 2020  by Len LaCroix


Washington Watching as Beijing’s Space Power Grows
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan    Sept 10, 2020

The latest U.S. Defense Department report on Chinese military power recounts Beijing’s growing space and counterspace capabilities.


You make up your own minds about these reports.  It is hard to know what to believe but something very strange and unseen for decades is happening:

China Ties to US Riots Exposed by Trevor Loudon
October 8, 2020   ByElla Kietlinska

is this reliable information or not?  Who knows, but there are several sites reporting Chinese troops on the West coast of Canada:

China Massing "Tens-of-Thousands" of Troops in Prince Rupert and Vancouver Canada Invade USA?
08 OCTOBER 2020   

What's Going On In Vancouver?
by Dave Hodges   October 12, 2020  [podcast]

You may not believe these warnings, but defectors from Russia and elsewhere have explained the long-range plan to take over the USA and these plans have existed for decades.  Each will have to make up his or her own mind.

The Russian and Chinese Planned Nine Pronged Attack Upon America Is Already Underway
by Dave Hodges   October 12, 2020

Yes, We are Headed for Violent Civil War
Jef Costello   Oct 8, 2020


We've been warning of these threats to life for many years as have so many others.  We especially encourage you to read Radical Radical: Deception and the Cultures of Death, because those behind the instability in the US and "Western" nations are described and explained in depth therein:

And yes, when we write about "the Left," that includes Leftist zealots who are anti-life, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-American, and pro-communism (disguised as "socialism" or "progressivism" and the communist nations of the world.

What Motivates America’s Revolutionists?
By Vasko Kohlmayer      October 10, 2020


It is clear that the love between mankind and His maker is the foundation for the culture of life, and that foundation leads to the steady and abiding love between man and woman and family, which is the source of a just society that honors and respects each individual's life throughout life.

Any effort or movement that opposes the sanctity of life, reverence for God, parental rights and the sanctity of marriage and the family is clearly aligned with evil.

Any society that is not pro-life will be unjust, cruel, and will victimize and kill the vulnerable rather than caring for them. Depopulationists are among these evil-minded predators roaming the world.

All healthcare must be pro-life,
otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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