800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


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This Week's Op Eds

Original essays for the History News Network.

Reckoning with Marcus Whitman and the Memorialization of Conquest

by Cassandra Tate

The same period that saw the public affirmation of the Confederate Lost Cause myth saw a proliferation of monuments that portrayed the conquest of the indigenous people of the west as virtuous pioneering. The case of Marcus Whitman shows a national reckoning is in order.

Recovering Acts of Progressive Patriotism: Teaching Through Protest Music

by Matthew Lindaman

A history professor reflects on a course teaching critical perspectives on patriotism through protest and music that articulates an inclusive and progressive nationalism.

A Medieval Perspective on the Public Acceptance of Women as Leaders

by Erika Graham-Goering

Whether in medieval France or in modern democracies, women's exercise of leadership has been constrained by gendered ideas of who can lead. 

How John Hersey Exposed the Human Face of Nuclear War: Lesley Blume on Her New Book

by Robin Lindley

HNN interviews Lesley M.M. Blume about her new book on John Hersey and the government's effort to control the public perceptions of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

Affirmative Action Goes Down to Defeat in Deep Blue California

by James Thornton Harris

The defeat of California's Proposition 16 exposes some significant fault lines in the multiethnic coalition the Democratic Party hopes will support its future success. 

Can the COVID Crisis Create a New Civilian-Military Trust in Argentina?

by David M. K. Sheinin y Cesar R. Torres

Many Argentinians have been suspicious of military involvement in civil affairs since the end of the country's military dictatorship in 1983. Two scholars ask if the COVID crisis presents an opportunity for healing and reimagining the military's role in Argentina.

Why the Odds Are Good that Biden Can Reduce Our Political Polarization

by Walter G. Moss

A recent HNN essay took a pessimistic view of President-Elect Biden's ability to govern a polarized nation. Walter Moss takes a longer view and finds more cause for optimism. 

Who Will Form the Biden Cabinet?

by Ronald L. Feinman

A presidential and political historian suggests choices for a Biden cabinet that will please (most) of the Democratic base, have a chance to win nomination by the Senate, not put any Democratic Senate seats at risk, and help the new president govern effectively. 



Don't Miss!

Post-Election America Will Still Be Deeply Divided

by Joe Renouard

Congressional gridlock, eroding public trust, and partisan polarization are not media creations; they are observable and measurable realities.

Trump Claims Credit for Defeating ISIS. Pentagon Documents Show Otherwise

by Brian Glyn Williams

A historian and scholar of the War on Terror says that Trump's claims of credit in the fight against ISIS are hot air. 

From a Victorian to a Twenty-First Century Understanding of Why History Matters

by Priya Satia

"Churchill was the apotheosis of the historically-minded statesman, committed to the idea of history as progress in which the role of great men was to suppress ordinary moral compunctions about destructive events that forwarded it."

Will the 2020 Winner Be Empowered to Make Big Changes?

by Michael Nelson

A scholar of presidential politics suggests that a first Biden term is more likely than a second Trump term to achieve sweeping change through the political process, though it's far from certain Biden seeks a transformative presidency. 

Columbus Still Kills: Trump, Colonial Apologetics and Anti-Native Violence

by Thomas Lecaque

As a historian, I see recent attacks on indigenous Americans and intrusions on tribal lands as part of a lengthy tradition of violence. But this year has witnessed a surge in apologetics for colonial violence in history that give support to present-day harm. 

The Presidential Tradition of Knowing When to Quit

by Wallace Hettle

Donald Trump apparently does not believe in the concept of "bad publicity," which removes a major set of incentives for him to follow the lead of previous losers of bitter elections and exit the scene quietly.


Roundup Top 10

Roundup Top Ten for November 13, 2020

The top op eds by historians from around the web last week.


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