800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Photographer Captures the Impacts of Climate Change on Communities

Hear Photographer Pete Muller discuss how humans experience climate change. VIEW IN WEB BROWSER.
National Geographic
Photograph by Pete Muller
Watch “Through the Lens: Solastalgia”
Event On-Demand
Last week the National Geographic Society hosted a virtual event with Explorer and photographer Pete Muller, who offered an in-depth look at solastalgia—the emotional and existential distress caused by environmental change. If you missed the event but still want to hear how solastalgia is felt in communities impacted by recent events like the coronavirus pandemic and wildfires in California, visit our watch page, where you can view the event whenever you'd like. We are continually inspired by the work of our National Geographic Explorers, and hope you will be too after listening to their stories.
Other Upcoming Virtual Events
Nov 22  |  Last Wild Places: Rewilding the Americas ››
Dec 03  |  Through the Lens: Living Lullabies ››
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from Home
Photograph by Rebecca Hale
Take a Virtual Tour of the
"Women: A Century of Change" Exhibition
In August we celebrated the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage. Our museum is temporarily closed, so to commemorate this milestone, the National Geographic Museum released a virtual tour of its "Women: A Century of Change" exhibition. During the tour, you can virtually transport yourself through the halls of the exhibition in 360-degree video and zoom in to select archival images that chronicle the lives of women around the globe. You'll get close to some of the finest photographs from our collection, and hear stories from featured photographers such as Erika Larsen, Jodi Cobb, and Lynn Johnson.
Experience the Virtual Exhibition
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