800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


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Ghosts of Neshoba: Why Trump Can't Dog Whistle His Way Back to the White House

by Rick Perlstein

Ronald Reagan's notorious "states' rights" pledge in Mississippi in 1980 was actually damaging to his campaign. The Gipper needed all his political skill and actor's discipline to rebuild his standing with moderates while still appealing to resentful white voters. Donald Trump lacks the skill to pull off the same trick.

The Great Upheaval of 1877 Sheds Light on Today's Protests

by Richard Schneirov

1877 saw a wave of mass protests and strikes by the urban poor of multiple ethnicities, violent repression by the forces of law and order, and a news media that focused on sensational instances of looting and property damage while ignoring the protesters' complaints about inequality.

Witness Against the Beast

by Christopher Tomlins

Nat Turner followed his evangelical faith to challenge a profane and degenerate slaveholding regime. Today's white evangelical Christians must decide whether to support the successor of that regime. 

After Those Cruel Wars Were Over: Lessons from Two Economic Recoveries

by Hugh Rockoff and Mark Wilson

An economist and economic historian argue that a well-planned response to the economic disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic could result in economic recoveries like those that followed the two World Wars.

Misremembering the Fall of France 80 Years Later (Part 2)

by Robert J. Young

The French defeat was driven by strategic error and faulty battlefield strategy, but not by a lack of will to fight. 



Today's News Headlines

- Fauci, Citing 'Disturbing Surge,' Tells Congress the Virus Is Not Under Control

- The Facts About Mail-In Voting and Voter Fraud

- Prosecutor to Tell Congress of Pressure from 'Highest Levels' of Justice Dept. to Cut Roger Stone 'a Break'

Breaking News

Stay Up to Date!  You can now receive a daily digest of news headlines posted on HNN by email. It's simple:  Go Here!  What follows is a streamlined list of stories.  To see the full list:  Go Here!

Will the Last Confederate Statue Standing Turn Off the Lights?

A monument to Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Va., has become the site of an unlikely community space. That may change abruptly with new restrictions from the police.

The Woman Who Helped Save Joe Biden

In 1993, Carol Moseley Braun, the first black woman in the Senate, joined Biden's Judiciary Committee. It solved an image problem for Biden. The results were groundbreaking.

Theodore Roosevelt Statue, Flanked by African and Native American Men, to be Removed in New York

President Donald Trump called the decision "ridiculous" in an early-morning tweet.

AHA Receives Major NEH Grant to Fund COVID-19 Initiative

The American Historical Association is launching a major new initiative to help our members and their colleagues with the challenges of being a historian, and a history teacher, in a virtual environment.

Lloyd's of London to Pay for 'Shameful' Atlantic Slave Trade Role

The Lloyd's of London insurance market apologised on Thursday for its "shameful" role in the 18th and 19th Century Atlantic slave trade and pledged to fund opportunities for black and ethnic minority people.

Does it Really Matter if Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben get Retired?

Historian Rita Roberts explains how the iconography of black service workers reinforced white supremacist ideology on consumer packaging, while Jason Chambers and Gregory Smithers discuss the relationship of the business community to changing norms about racism.

To Avoid Integration, Americans Built Barricades in Urban Space

Urban inequality didn't happen by accident.

30 Years Ago, Romania Deprived Thousands of Babies of Human Contact

Here's what's become of them.

What Persuades White Southerners to Remove Confederate Flags and Monuments?

Social science experiments suggest that white Southerners can be persuaded to let go of the Confederacy through frank discussion of the region's history of racism. Comparisons to Nazi Germany? Not so much. 

Portugal Finally Recognizes Consul Who Saved Thousands from Holocaust

Aristides de Sousa Mendes ruined his own diplomatic career by helping Jews acquire visas to leave Belgium ahead of Nazi persecution.

Why Can't Republicans Elect Women?

The Republican Party has not matched the gains made by Democrats in seating women in Congress since the "Year of the Woman" in 1992. 

5 Books About Black Food History You Should Read

In honor of Juneteenth, five exemplary books explore the evolution of African American cuisine.


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History and Historians in the News

Stay Up to Date!  You can now receive a daily digest of news headlines posted on HNN by email. It's simple:  Go Here!  What follows is a streamlined list of stories.  To see the full list:  Go Here!

In Germany, Confronting Shameful Legacy Is Essential Part of Police Training

In the postwar era, Germany fundamentally redesigned law enforcement to prevent past atrocities from ever repeating. Its approach may hold lessons for police reform everywhere.

Must We Allow Symbols of Racism on Public Land?

Legal scholar and historian Annette Gordon-Reed puts the push to remove Confederate statues in context.

In Suburbs and Small Towns, Racial Justice Takes Center Stage

These protests reflect the demographic shifts and diversification of U.S. suburbs and exurbs in recent decades, a challenge to the stereotype of a monochromatic suburbia.

A Master Historian at Work

The award-winning historian's reflections on the writing and teaching of history offer a master class in the scholar's art. 

Should Statues Of Historic Figures With Complicated Pasts Be Taken Down? (Audio)

American history professor Manisha Sinha discusses the recent push to remove statues of non-Confederate figures.

Prize-Winning Historian Robert D. Richardson, Who Wrote About American Thinkers, Dies At Age 86

The biographer and intellectual historian was the winner of the Bancroft Prize in 2007 for William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism.

Slavery Existed in Illinois, but Schools Don't Always Teach That History

Schools often teach the Civil War in terms of "free states" and "slave states." Illinois complicates those definitions. We spoke with a historian and high school teacher about slavery's legacy in Illinois.

Our First Authoritarian Crackdown (Review)

Wendell Bird argues that the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 were used more broadly than historians have recognized, and reflect a shakier foundation of free speech in the early Republic. 

Sally Banes, Distinguished Dance Critic and Historian, Dies at 69

Her writing paired a vivid and inquisitive approach with a lack of agenda and a belief that dance was a crucial part of cultural history.

Five Women Veterans Who Deserve to Have Army Bases Named After Them

The U.S. Army has 10 installations named after Confederate generals. Zero are named after women.


Browsing: News from Around the Internet 

Updated: Will Campuses Reopen in 2020? Should They?

Although it may be far from many faculty and students' minds, universities will soon resume for the fall. What is going to happen?

So *Now* Universities Think Teaching About Racism is Important?

Some historians are finding it ironic that university adminstrators are calling for faculty to prepare for teaching about "structural racism". They've been doing that work without necessarily being rewarded for it. 

Protests Against Monuments to Racist Figures Go Global

Protests over who is honored in public space have spilled over from the American south to the Southwest, the Northwest, and the world. 



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