800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


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This Week's Op Eds

Original essays for the History News Network.

Tear Down that Statue, Mr. Macron!

by Marlene L. Daut

Four figures from French history whose statues could replace that of Jefferson in Paris.

The SS Officer's Armchair

by Daniel Lee

The discovery of a trove of documents in an old armchair led the author on a five-year search for information about a previously anonymous Nazi, whose history intersected with the author's family in surprising ways.

John F. Kennedy Did What Donald Trump Only Wishes He Could Do

by Paul Matzko

Rules to promote "fairness" or prevent "discrimination" can all too easily turn into tools for gaining partisan advantage at the expense of free speech, a free press, and a functioning democracy.

Hungarian-American Relations in 1849 and Today: Why We Need Another Lajos Kossuth

by Tim Roberts

A Hungarian nationalist visited the United States in 1849 to plead the case for an independent, democratic state, inspiring the cause of abolition in America. Today Hungarian-American relations are running in the direction of authoritarianism. 

Respectability and Remembrance: The Continued Condemnation of Black Resistance

by Anne Stokes

Addressing the full depth of racism and white supremacy in America requires understanding the limits of the non-violent civil rights movements, and the necessity of armed self-defense for African Americans against the violence perpetrated or instigated by whites — including the police — throughout American history.

The Vexations of History In An Age of Police Violence: A Ventura County, California Perspective

by Frank P. Barajas

Protests like those in the author's home city show that minority communities across the nation have longstanding historical grievances against police departments that must be addressed with meaningful change.

Misremembering the Fall of France 80 Years Later (Part 1)

by Robert J. Young

On the 80th anniversary of the Fall of France, it's time to retire the idea that the French surrendered without a fight. 

Where Was Such Solidarity Two Weeks Ago?

by Frederick Gooding, Jr.

The author is skeptical of the sudden wave of "performative solidarity" by white individuals and corporate America. Ensuring that Black Lives matter will require solidarity in the long term.

One Small View of a Big Picture

by Arnold R. Isaacs

A journalist and writer didn't expect a Black Lives Matter demonstration to happen in his mostly white, Trump-supporting suburban Baltimore community. Here are his observations on the event and what it might tell about white Americans' actions and attitudes. 

It's Time for White Parents to Have The Talk with their Children

by Roy E. Finkenbine

Many African American parents have a common experience of teaching their children about racism and its dangers. Not enough white parents talk with their children about how racism affects their lives. 

Let Them Eat Weapons: Trump's Bizarre Arms Race

by Lawrence Wittner

The Trump administration's stated intention to "spend the adversary into oblivion" through arms buildup is likely to bring ruin to the American public before it harms Russia or China. 

Israel and the Palestinians: Architects of Their Own Destruction

by Alon Ben-Meir

The political positions of Israeli and Palestinian leadership set the region on a path toward more bloodshed. 

Baby Boomers: Incapable of Greatness

by Gregory D. Foster

The problems of contemporary society can be attributed to a generation born at the right time who squandered the opportunity to do something for the allure of being something.

What if Trump Refuses to Leave?

by Richard Striner

History offers few guidelines for how to handle the increasingly plausible scenario of a defeated president refusing to leave office. 



Don't Miss!

Ways that Donald Trump is Just Like Henry Ford, And Why That's Not Good for American Democracy

by Victoria Woeste

Trump's comments praising Henry Ford's "bloodline" are no coincidence. Both men used the American cult of the businessman to amass power and wealth while championing the idea of racial hierarchy.

When the President's Son-In-Law Truly Was a Great Success

by Gail Radford

Treasury Secretary William McAdoo was a presidential son-in-law whose knowledge, experience, and belief in the role of government made him an effective public servant.

Why Study History? More Than Ever, a Question that Needs Answering

by Peter N. Stearns

One of the few bright features of the past two months has been the extent to which the pandemic crisis has clarified the real public need for historical perspectives. 

COVID-19 is Devastating Native American Communities. History Illuminates Why.

by Pete Sigal, Robbie Ethridge, and Nancy Shoemaker

Centuries of unequal access to resources and decision-making served to weaken indigenous health across the Americas and beyond.

"Fiction Makes a Better Job of The Truth"? Telling the Erased Story of Lucia Joyce

by Annabel Abbs

A historical novel exposes the complex relationship between historians and sources: "Because Lucia's own voice had been effectively smothered, most 'facts' came from those later responsible for incarcerating her in a series of mental asylums and hospitals. Few sources are genuinely independent."



Roundup Top 10

Roundup Top Ten for June 12, 2020

It was a big week, and impossible to choose ten op-eds. We've got a baker's dozen. 


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