800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Lockdowns, tracing, testing, vaccinating, and Liberty Dexamethasone helpful for hospitalized patients plus

Leftist globalists can't allow ordinary cures for COVID 19 because then there would be no need for their draconian orders, contact tracing and vaccines

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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter. Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!


Pro-lifers know that "ALL Lives Matter!"


Lockdowns, tracing, testing, vaccinating, and Liberty
By Jon Rappoport    June 17, 2020

[Soon, the "new normal" will resemble something much, much worse than the Soviet Union or Communist China. You don't believe this? Did you ever believe governors and mayors would allow entire city blocks to be taken over by anarchists and communists and let them roam the streets with AR-15 rifles strapped to their backs and commit crimes with impunity? Change is coming! Draconian changes!

Why?  Because the elite leaders never had the electronic surveillance capabilities that our governments now have.  The plans are published and easily verified. The proof is on our COVID 19 information page. We have gathered it all here:

If you actually read the documents here and watch the videos, you won't be fooled by any propaganda being thrown at you non-stop on radio, TV, or any other means. - RP]


Coronavirus: Dexamethasone proves first life-saving drug
By Michelle Roberts   16 June 2020


The Data Are In:It’s Time for Major Reopening
Four new analyses of actual results show how the initial projections overestimated the value of lockdowns
David R. Henderson and Jonathan Lipow  June 15, 2020
Wall Street Journal


Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Sues FDA for “Irrational” Interference of Access to Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine
By Jim Hoft   June 14, 2020


Hospice Providers Strained to Support Caregivers During Pandemic
By Holly Vossel    June 3, 2020


Let's hope that  long-awaited and much needed accountability is soon required for the hospice industry!


U.S. Department of Health & Human Resources Office of Inspector General Issued 2 Reports

2019 First Report identified deficiencies and serious harm to Hospice beneficiaries and vulnerable patient population

Second Report suggested strengthened safeguards to protect Medicare beneficiaries from harm

Legislators are Concerned

Hospice Care Improvement Act, introduced in the Senate, November 2019. Addressing the need for greater transparency requiring uniform collection and reporting of Hospice Survey findings.

introduced in the House of Representatives February 2020, to establish Survey requirements and enforcement mechanisms against certified Hospice programs

The Centers of Medicare and Medicaid are initiating new mechanisms to ensure Hospice care implements: value-based care, better regulated, meets appropriate staffing needs, and promotes safe opioid use.


Criminal FDA! (filled with big Pharma execs and lobbyists).
The bogus V.A. study had sicker patients in the Hydroxychloroquine group, the bogus Brazil study doubled the safe dosage so patients had adverse effects, and the Lancet study was fabricated and then retracted.

Notably, the Brazilian center where that study was done are experts in malaria and have used hydroxychloroquine for decades safely but never in double the dosage recommended. Obviously, it was a "hit job!"

Doctors everywhere who use Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromycin and Zinc (usually adding Vitamin C and D) in the early stages say that almost 100% of their patients are cured. Fact!  That is their experience. Multiple, multiple doctorswho have used this combination therapy say this, but their voices are censored and the bogus studies are relied upon.

Why? Because the agenda can't go forward if they have a readily available cure. If there's a cure, there is no need for any changes to the entire world's society and governments, no need for mandatory surveillance state creation (aka "contact tracing"), no need for mandatory genetic engineering of mankind (aka "mandatory RNA vaccination"), and no need for digital ID "passports" that show you are "safe."

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update:
FDA Revokes Emergency Use Authorization for Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine
June 15, 2020  US FDA


The Remdesivir Study Manipulated?
The New COVID-19 Medication Isn't Backed by Results
by Dr. Joseph Mercola   June 17, 2020


Beijing Outbreak Tops 150 in China’s Worst Flare-Up Since Wuhan
By Jeff Sutherland   June 17, 2020


What You Need to Know About Vitamin C Dosage
James DiNicolAntonia  with Dr. Joseph Mercola   June 15, 2020


The fight for vaccine freedom of choice is on!

Taking it to the Streets—Peaceful Protest in Albany As NYS Bar Assoc Walks Back COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Recommendation
JUNE 16, 2020


Melatonin May Help Moderate COVID-19 Cytokine Storm
by Kate Raines   June 15, 2020


Magnesium and K2 Optimize Your Vitamin D Supplementation
by Dr. Joseph Mercola   June 15, 202


Soros Operative Confirms in New York Times Op/Ed That Black Lives Matter Does, In Fact, Want to Abolish the Police  They mean what they are saying.
Jun 13, 2020    By Shane Trejo


Undercover Nurse reveals:
"How Patients are Mis-Treated at Hospital at Epicenter of COVID outbreak in New York"
June 9, 2020  Erin Marie Olszewski, RN


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and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

If you wish to see changes in our healthcare system, please help us in our mission! Please donate to the all-volunteer, non-profit Hospice Patients Alliance

We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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