800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


July 10: Louis XVI Declares War, the Battle of Britain and the French Bomb the Rainbow Warrior


On This Day in History

July 10, 2020

Historical Events

1778  American Revolution: Louis XVI of France declares war on the Kingdom of Great Britain

1940  Battle of Britain begins as Nazi forces attack shipping convoys in the English Channel

1985  French foreign intelligence agents blow up the Greenpeace boat Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbor, New Zealand to prevent it interfering with French nuclear tests in the South Pacific. Dutch photographer Fernando Pereira is killed.

1991  Boris Yeltsin sworn in as 1st elected President of the Russian Federation

2012  The American Episcopal Church becomes the first to approve a rite for blessing gay marriages

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(76 - 138)

Louis-Jacques Daguerre

(1787 - 1851)
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