800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


July 14: Bastille Day, Ice via Refrigeration and Open Source Software


On This Day in History

July 14, 2020

Historical Events

1789  Bastille Day - the French Revolution begins with the fall of the Bastille Prison

1798  US Sedition Act prohibits "false, scandalous & malicious" writing against government

1850  1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration by Florida physician John Gorrie

1933  All non-Nazi parties are banned in Germany

1941  6,000 Lithuanian Jews are exterminated at Viszalsyan Camp

1992  386BSD is released by Lynne Jolitz and William Jolitz, starting the open source operating system revolution. Linus Torvalds release "Linux" soon afterwards

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Famous Deaths

Adlai Stevenson II

(1900 - 1965)

Billy the Kid

(1859 - 1881)
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