800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


July 3: Battle of Gettysburg, the 1st Dow Jones Index and the Stone of Scone


On This Day in History

July 3, 2020

Historical Events

324  Battle of Adrianople: Roman Emperor Constantine I defeats his co-emperor Licinius, who flees to Byzantium

1187  Battle of Horns of Hattin: Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, destroys Jerusalem's crusader army

1863  Battle of Gettysburg, largest battle ever fought on the American continent, ends in a major victory for the Union during the US Civil War

1884  Dow Jones publishes its 1st stock index, the Dow Jones Transportation Average

1996  UK House of Commons announces that the Stone of Scone, aka the Stone of Destiny, used in the coronation of Scottish (and subsequently English and British monarchs), will be returned to Scotland after 700 years in Westminster Abbey

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July 3: Churchill's Deadly Attack On His Ally

French battleships could have fallen into German hands in 1940. There seemed to be only one thing to do. And on this day Winston Churchill did it . . .
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