We must now develop a long-overdue Patriotism Index to quantitatively distinguish real Americans from the many poseurs and potential enemies who lurk among us.
Senator Charles Sumner lost his battle on the Fourth of July 1870, with dire consequences for both Asian immigrant communities and the prospects of a more racially egalitarian America.
As we celebrate America's birthday on July 4th, let's remember how our nation's generosity has aided many hungry and oppressed people around the world.
The anniversary of the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which finally eliminated slavery in the entire United States, should be made a national holiday.
"I don't think it is fair for a scholar like me to tell a community what sort of monuments it should put up. This should be a local decision—and one that takes into account the perspectives of the entire community, which was not the case with Confederate monuments."
Do we have the right to judge the actions of people in life and death situations? Are we honour-bound to keep promises, no matter to whom they were made, and in what situations? Can a man be a hero and a collaborator?
People have a right to walk around their neighborhood park without being terrorized by iconography devoted to people who denied their ancestors human rights.
Political separation from Britain allowed old English traits to remain preserved in America, like a bug in amber, even as they were whittled away by change in the old country.
An American historian and lifelong liberal Zionist concludes that Israel's planned annexation of West Bank territory will force people of conscience to choose between liberal ideals and a form of Zionism harnessed to racial nationalism.
Erik Larson has not only produced an engaging and timely portrait of the perilous period of when Britain stood alone against Nazi Germany but has also illuminated how tragedy and loss can be turned into a triumph and justice through steadfast determination and solidarity of purpose.
On the 4th of July of 1870, a 1,200 mile race between two steamboats on the Mississippi River was decided. The race attracted global interest. Reporters wrote about it. Gamblers wagered on it. People gathered and cheered for it.
Do recent protests against the symbols of racism--monuments and statues--reflect a political movement that can easily be absorbed by today's multicultural corporations, or will that energy sustain a push to fundamentally reform American capitalism too?
Although he seeks to become the oldest first-term president in US history, Joe Biden began his career in national office at the youngest age allowed for a US Senator.
Ronald Reagan's notorious "states' rights" pledge in Mississippi in 1980 was actually damaging to his campaign. The Gipper needed all his political skill and actor's discipline to rebuild his standing with moderates while still appealing to resentful white voters. Donald Trump lacks the skill to pull off the same trick.
In an environment of intense mutual suspicion—soldiers accused civilians of stingy ingratitude while civilians saw the army as a threat to their liberty—Washington's trustworthiness bound the two sides together.
Walter Mondale's choice of Representative Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate in 1984 opened the major parties' general election tickets to women for the first time. Will Joe Biden's campaign fulfill that promise this year?
An economist and economic historian argue that a well-planned response to the economic disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic could result in economic recoveries like those that followed the two World Wars.
The indifferent response of the Trump administration to the COVID-19 pandemic and the repressive police response to protests are a signal that we need a political and social transformation to address the ongoing global climate crisis.
Newsletter for Monday 19 July. Click to open this Newsletter in your browser TODAY IN SCIENCE HISTORY NEWSLETTER • 19 JULY Feature for Today On 19 Jul 1806, Alexander Bache was born, an American physicist who was the second Superintendent of…Read More
Newsletter for Friday 16 July. Click to open this Newsletter in your browser TODAY IN SCIENCE HISTORY NEWSLETTER • 16 JULY Feature for Today Book of the Day On 16 Jul 1910, David Lambert Lack was born, a British ornithologist and aut…Read More
Newsletter for Saturday 17 July. Click to open this Newsletter in your browser TODAY IN SCIENCE HISTORY NEWSLETTER • 17 JULY Feature for Today On 17 Jul 1955, Arco, Idaho, became the first U.S. community to receive its entire supply of power f…Read More
Newsletter for Sunday 18 July. Click to open this Newsletter in your browser TODAY IN SCIENCE HISTORY NEWSLETTER • 18 JULY Feature for Today On 18 Jul 1720, Gilbert White was born, the English clergyman and naturalist whose much-loved book, …Read More
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