800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Dr Carrie Madej exposes the truth about COVID 19 tests, the vaccines,  the lies: Total deaths have actually decreased in 2020!

Leftist globalists can't allow ordinary cures for COVID 19 because then there would be no need for their draconian orders, contact tracing and vaccines

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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:
Share this with others so they know!

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter:
Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

If you want to really understand the COVID COUP, then look at our COVID Information Page where all the documents and videos that explain the actual entire agenda they have laid out publicly and openly is shared with all of you. The media refuse to share any of this with you!


For those who may wonder, we are still receiving calls from families about their loved ones in hospice who are being overdosed, sedated, pushed into death one way or another through stealth euthanasia.

The work continues, however as a nation and a world we are experiencing global stealth euthanasia through the evil misguided policies that prevent people from receiving effective treatments early on when they become ill, fail to provide the people with information on how they can avoid serious symptoms of infection, and the draconian actions that are made by tyrannical authorities under "color of law" but are "extralegal," -- not Constitutional and not guided by the laws our legislators have created through Congress or State legislatures.

The bizarre and quite destructive policies mandated by the leaders are following pre-written plans that have been published and are being rolled out globally. None of us would have believed this would happen 1 yr ago, but now it is very apparent and hard to believe, but very real!


To get right to it, please contemplate the following data from the CDC for total U.S. deaths from January through May, comparing the years 2017 thru 2020.

The total deaths actually have gone down this year!  So, what is going on?

Is the threat to life so great that we all need to cower in our basements or isn't it now obvious that while there is something killing people, this is absolutely not a "100 year pandemic" and not the threat they make it out to be!

The total deaths would be much less if people were given appropriate treatments and were taught what to do to minimize the risk of severe infection.

Total Jan thru May U.S. deaths decreased in 2020!  
                            2017       2018       2019      2020

Dr Carrie Madej shows this graph in her video presentation to share the truth about COVID 19, the inaccurate tests, the harm the vaccines will necessarily do, the actually decreased death rate, and exposes the lies we've all been told:

Watch this video and share it with others!

Exposing the Truth about Inaccurate COVID 19 Testing, the # of deaths, the Mandatory Vaccines, and the Denial of Our Freedoms
by Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. (Board Certified in Internal Medicine) July 27, 2020  19 minute video)


FDA Delays On HCQ Outpatient Approval Are Causing Deaths Daily 
Statement by Assoc of American Physicians and Surgeons
July 28, 2020


Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why “Liar” Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine, Top Doctors Explain
AUGUST 4, 2020  Staff writer


Getting back to whose behind the deception and all these tyrannical edicts that are being imposed upon the world's people, here's something about the megalomaniac Bill Gates:

Bill Gates’ Web Of Dark Money And Influence
– Part 1: Philanthropic Narrative Shaping
May 23, 2020   by  Derrick Broze


Obviously, the testing is egregiously inaccurate and therefore dangerous, because decisions are made on bad information:

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Tests Negative For Covid-19 Hours After Testing Positive For Covid-19
By Cristina Laila   August 6, 2020


Some people have written in to let us know (accusing us) that they think we've forgotten about hospice issues while focusing on the COVID 19 global plandemic.  We haven't.

But when there is a threat to the lives of millions from what they are doing, any "pro-life" organization should be doing something to stop it, and that is what we are doing.

We don't apologize for fighting for the lives of the patients and people anywhere in this world!

This is what hospices are saying about themselves in their efforts to "protect" the patients from COVID 19.  They've had an "uptick" in patients.  When some healthcare facilities and their staff intentionally not properly treating patients, many end up in hospice unnecessarily, and that is not only tragic, but criminal on a widespread level.  We know that that is happening from many, many doctors and nurses, but we also know it, because the FDA and NIH have obstructed the use of effective treatments!

Hospices Dig in to Protect Patients Amid Uptick of COVID-19
By Holly Vossel      August 5, 2020

And if you were wondering how the big hospice corporations were doing, they tell us they're doing really fine and gobbling up ("acquiring") other agencies, and merging to create even bigger hospice empires:

Hospice Topping Other Health Care Sectors on Mergers and Acquisitions  ("M & A")
By Jim Parker | August 7, 2020

Community Hospice CEO Makes Case for Value-Based Palliative Care
By Holly Vossel    August 4, 2020


But who in hospice is making the case to return to the original life-affirming hospice mission where treatment is individualized according to the patient's unique clinical end-stage disease process? ... where no patient's death is ever hastened?  We don't hear that from these hospice organizations and tragically, we haven't for decades.

Whatever happened to Dr Cicely Saunders' mission? They like to pretend they are following in her footsteps, but they betray the heart of the mission every day.


White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine from America's Frontline Physicians:

This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources. It explains how Americans have come to be in the grip of fear. All the myths and all the misconceptions about a safe, generic drug [Hydroxychloroquine] that has been FDA approved for 65 years, given to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, the elderly and the immune-compromised for years and decades without complication, are finally put in the trash heap where they belong.

You will have the indisputable proof that you have been massively lied to, often very intentionally. At first you will first be heartbroken. And then you will be furious. Good. Because then you will demand change.


The Digital Passports needed to freely live in society are coming.  Employers, government, and others may require smart phone apps to be used to prove you have been vaccinated!

Security ALERT:
Immunity passport technology gaining traction and raising serious ethical concerns
by Sara Middleton    July 7, 2020

COVI-PASS  Digital Health Passport

and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

If you wish to see changes in our healthcare system, please help us in our mission! Please donate to the all-volunteer, non-profit Hospice Patients Alliance

We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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