800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


The Roundup Top Ten from History News Network






Browsing: News from Around the Internet 

FBI Arrests Plotters to Kidnap Michigan Governor, Highlighting Trump's "Liberate Michigan" Rhetoric

On October 8, the FBI announced multiple arrests in a plot to kidnap Michigan's Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, whose support for lockdown measures to fight COVID-19 moved Trump to call on right-wing mobs to "Liberate Michigan." 

The COVID Resurgence Includes Trump

Trump has left the hospital, but his health is in question as more aides including Stephen Miller test positive, the Joint Chiefs of Staff go into quarantine, and the remaining debates are in doubt.

Today's Top Headlines

- SUPERSPREADER IN CHIEF: The Ultimate Timeline of Trump's Deadly Coronavirus Denial

- Democrats Blame Trump Rhetoric For Michigan Governor Kidnapping Plot

- Citing 25th Amendment, Pelosi, Raskin Move to Create Panel that could Rule on President's Fitness for Office

Roundup Top 10

HNN Tip: You can read more about topics in which you're interested by clicking on the tags featured directly underneath the title of any article you click on.

The Plot Against Whitmer Won't Be The Last White Supremacist Threat

by Kathleen Belew

I'm very concerned that more violence is imminent, and that these ideologies pose an imminent threat to our democracy and to people going about their everyday lives.

Yes, Mike Lee, America is a Democracy

by Jonathan Bernstein

Mike Lee's insistence that the US is "a republic" and not "a democracy" is a petty distinction that ignores the historically interchangeable usage of the terms in American politics in order to justify undemocratic rule by a minority party. 

The Overlooked Queer History of Medieval Christianity

by Roland Betancourt

An attentive reading of the record shows that same-sex intimacy, gender fluidity, and diverse sexual identities were prevalent among early Christians, contrary to the claims made by some fundamentalists today that these represent deviations from historical norms. 

Why Heller is Such Bad History

by Noah Shusterman

Antonin Scalia's opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller ignored the actual history of the early American militia in order to invent an individual right to gun ownership.

What White Power Supporters Hear Trump Saying

by Alexander Hinton

Donald Trump's attacks on "political correctness" aren't calls for intellectual openness or academic freedom; they are coded messages invoking white grievance politics, including the longstanding idea that multiculturalism is part of a genocidal attack on the white race.

The Root of American Power

by Megan Beyer

"October is National Arts and Humanities Month. Observing what happens in America when we fail to protect them, invest in them, and recognize their value, is the best case that could ever be made for the Arts and Humanities."

A Brief History of the Taxpayer in Chief

by Margaret O'Mara

The revelation, at the height of the Watergate investigation, that Richard Nixon had abused deductions to avoid nearly all of his tax obligations initiated modern interest in presidential candidates' tax returns. 

Trump's Call for Freelance Poll-Watchers Summons a Dark History

by Nicole Hemmer

In 1981, the Republican National Committee used threatening signs and deployed off-duty officers to polling places in Black and Latino neighborhoods to help win the New Jersey governorship. This is the first presidential election year since the decree expired, making Trump's call for supporters to "watch the polls" ominous. 

Trump's Attacks on Refugees Expose the Inadequacy of the Current System

by Carl J. Bon Tempo

The Refugee Act of 1980 is the law allowing the President to set an annual ceiling for refugee admissions to the United States, and is in urgent need of revision by Congress. 

Coronavirus Can Afflict the Powerful. Yet Food Workers Remain the Most Vulnerable.

by Angela Stuesse

The rollback of workplace protections under a generation of conservative state and federal administrations has made low-wage service workers acutely vulnerable to COVID. 



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Breaking News and Historians in the News

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The Plot Against Gretchen Whitmer Shows the Danger of Private Militias

There is no right in any state for groups of individuals to arm themselves and organize either to oppose or augment the government.

Golden Dawn Found Guilty of Running Criminal Organization in Greece

The court tied the far-right party to a string of attacks, including the fatal stabbing of a left-wing rapper.

'This is What We Support': Nearly 41 Years Later, City Apologizes for Greensboro Massacre

The Greensboro Police Department knew through informants that the Ku Klux Klan and American Nazi Party planned to attack a 1979 anti-Klan march of the Communist Workers Party, but neither warned the marchers nor stopped the violence. Five marchers were killed and none of the attackers were convicted of crimes.

The Religious Hijacking of the Supreme Court Doesn't Require Amy Barrett

Five of the court's current justices are already comfortable with a "free exercise supremacy" approach that casts the rights of the religious to mold society to their faith as superior to the rights of women, gays, and minorities to live with dignity.

Homeland Security Wants to Erase its History of Misconduct

U.S. Customs and Border Protection wants to destroy thousands of complaint records it claims have no historical value.

The New England Journal of Medicine Avoided Politics for 208 Years. Now it's Urging Voters to Oust Trump

The administration's incompetent response to the COVID-19 pandemic spurred the otherwise non-political medical journal to endorse a vote against Donald Trump.

America May Need International Intervention

When other democracies have fallen into peril, they have sought help from the United Nations. The United States might consider it, writes Peter Beinart, since Black Americans have long had to appeal to the community of nations to intervene to secure their democratic rights. 

USC's Natalia Molina Wins MacArthur Fellowship for Work on Immigrant Stereotypes

"Of this year's 21 fellows across the arts, education, science, media, law and environmental studies, Molina's work on race, gender, culture and citizenship is particularly timely, essentially at the heart of the national conversation as America undergoes a reckoning over systemic racism and grapples with questions of equity, inclusion and identity."

2020 is One of the Top 5 Contenders for Craziest Year in American History

If anyone needed confirmation, a panel of historians agrees that this year is... special. No one even has the bandwidth to discuss Murder Hornets anymore.

Nation's Deadliest Domestic Terrorist Inspiring New Generation Of Hate-Filled 'Monsters,' FBI Records Show

"A mass casualty event like the Oklahoma City bombing is … meant to provoke further violence," noted Kathleen Belew, a University of Chicago historian.

A Treaty Right For Cherokee Representation

Historian Julie Reed (Cherokee Nation) discusses the 1835 Treaty of New Echota in the context of the escalation of indigenous removal from the southeastern United States. 

A History Of October Surprises (audio)

Although Trump's COVID diagnosis was, perhaps, unexpected, October Surprises have historically involved presidents announcing policy initiatives to improve their reelection prospects. Presidential historians Tim Naftali and Tim Walch discuss.

Republican Senator Blurts Out That He Hates Democracy

Jonathan Chait says that Senator Mike Lee's insistence that the US is a republic and not a democracy is not a point of constitutional principle but a political defense of minority rule. 



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