800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


December 5: Gold Rush in California, End of Prohibition and Mozart, the Incomparable Musical Genius


On This Day in History

December 5, 2020

Historical Events

771  Charlemagne becomes the sole King of the Franks after the death of his brother Carloman

1349  500 Jews of Nuremberg massacred during Black Death riots

1456  Earthquake strikes Naples; about 35,000 die

1848  US President James K. Polk triggers Gold Rush of 1849 by confirming a gold discovery in California

1933  Prohibition ends in the US when 21st Amendment to the US Constitution ratified, 18th Amendment repealed (5:32 PM EST)

1969  Four-node ARPANET network is established

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Famous Deaths

Nelson Mandela

(1918 - 2013)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

(1756 - 1791)
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December 5: Mozart, the Incomparable Musical Genius

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a musical genius who composed over 600 works in his short lifetime, died mysteriously on this day and was buried unceremoniously.
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