800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


The 10 Best History Uncovered Articles Of 2020

The 10 Best History Uncovered Articles Of 2020

Archaeologists Say They've Just Solved The 400-Year-Old Mystery Of The Lost Colony Of Roanoke

In 1590, every English settler at the colony of Roanoke vanished without a trace.

55 Of History's Creepiest Pictures — And Their Equally Disturbing Backstories

When the young and beautiful French socialite Blanche Monnier angered her aristocratic parents by trying to marry a man below her station in 1874, her mother locked her in the attic of their house and kept her there for 25 years — with rats and lice as her only company.

How Tim Allen Went From Cocaine-Trafficking Criminal To 'Home Improvement' Star

Before Tim Allen became a household name for grunting on "Home Improvement," he was a low-level cocaine dealer dumb enough to walk through an airport with a pound of cocaine.

Annette Kellerman: The Taboo-Breaking Badass Who Harvard Called 'The Perfect Woman'

In 1908, after observing 1,000 women, a Harvard study declared record-breaking Australian swimmer Annette Kellerman "the Perfect Woman." In response, she quipped, "only from the neck down."

Historians Can't Agree On Whether Or Not This 'Deathbed Photo' Of Abraham Lincoln Is Real

In the photo, President Lincoln's right eye appears to be bulging which would be consistent with having just been shot in the head.

7 Pinup Girls Who Set The Stage For America's Sexual Revolution

When The South Lost The Civil War, 20,000 Confederates Fled To Brazil To Build A Slave Kingdom

To this day, descendants of Confederados hold annual festivals celebrating their heritage. They dress in antebellum hoop skirts and Confederate uniforms, eat Southern food, dance to pre-war music, and fly the flag of the defeated South.

'Mothers Were Fed Their Children': The Horrifying True Story Behind Hansel And Gretel

You probably know the story of Hansel and Gretel, but do you know the origins behind it? The story of two children left to starve in the woods was apparently inspired by the Great Famine of 1315 which impacted 30 million Europeans and had some so desperate that they resorted to infanticide and cannibalism.

How Jayne Mansfield's Gruesome Death Sparked Rumors About Decapitation And Satanic Curses

Some believe that Mansfield's fatal car accident was caused by a curse placed on her boyfriend by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey.

Here's How Abraham Lincoln And Other Historical Leaders Would Look If They Lived Today

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