800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


The Voice of the Holy Radical One vs those who seek to destroy, kill, and maim

Black Lives Matter says nothing about 18 million blacks killed thru abortion in USA and millions more killed by other blacks around the world

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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter. Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!


Those who tell us we are not allowed to say "All lives matter" are anti-Christ because the message the dear Lord Jesus brought to the world was that all lives matter. He cared for each and every one!

Who are those telling us only these lives matter and only those lives matter? Leftists, Islamists, secularists, hate-filled people who have racism against others. That is a fact.

Pro-lifers are never ashamed to say:

"ALL lives matter!"

Because there is so much misunderstanding about what is happening right now in our world, we are sharing the chapters (one each day) from the Radical Radical: Deception and the Cultures of Death book. Please share with others and help others understand what is behind the rioting, the hatred for traditional America and Judeo-Christian culture:

The anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-life, secular Satanic Rockefeller Foundation/Bill Gates/globalists' plan is for a more authoritarian government. They wrote it; they say it, and they are doing it right in front of all of us.


Part 6.1 - The Voice of the Radical

By Ron Panzer
July 30, 2018

You know
you are so right

as you stumble along
falling yet again on that muddy road at night,

and day, and night,
on and on ...

You had to wander this way!
so you thought.

So too I thought,
fighting to lose myself

in love with "love"
but strangely refusing His Love!

we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

we have embraced the lies.

Yet, you and I have dreamed so long
of what would be

... desired and longed,
enjoyed, lost, despaired, and suffered.

Yet, beyond dreams, beyond desires
Beyond pleasures and pains

Beyond the endless strifes,
Beyond journeys and discoveries,

Beyond ambition, achievements
Beyond ambition and pride

Beyond regrets and shame
Beyond searchings and strivings

Suddenly, finally,
lightning pierces the sky

revealing Another before us,
another Way before us

And we finally ask ourselves,
"Why did I take so long?"

Why did I take so long,
so long to understand?

Here He stands!
Our Beloved!

Out of the darkness
before you

with feet on the Earth
and His head reaching beyond the stars

Majesty, Glory!
Holiness beyond knowing!

Who can speak?
Who can explain it at all?

Bowing down,
you hear Him tenderly whisper

with words
that reach through all the years of your life

like unforgettable thunder:
"My child! You have forgotten so many things!

"Look! Here is the Book of Life
Where I have written your name.

"See! Remember
all you have done in your life!"

As it all flashes before your mind,
you faint, collapsing before Him.

His voice resonates
within, without, throughout

So familiar!
So sweet!

Now, you know you've known His voice
all the days of your life.

How alive you feel
He is here!

How alive you feel
hearing His call!

Now, His love
burns within your heart!

No questions.
Yet all is answered!

The search for meaning?
The desperate search to understand?

Life, His life,
is Itself Its own Meaning.

Those who reject Him
never find it.

Those who yearn for Him
already possess it!

Knowing every bit of you
He looks again into your eyes

saying your name.
You sigh,

"This is where I belong!
This is what I've sought all along!

Now, I'm home!
here with You!"

As you cling to His feet
never wishing to let go.

That voice
of the Radical

lights a Way

unlike any other.

Why has He come?
Can we understand at all?

Whispering within
He comforts us, yet implores:

"Awaken from your slumber!

Justice! Mercy! Faithfulness!

"Leave your fears and disappointments behind!
Follow Me, Serve Me, Love Me!

"Serve all,
Love all!

Days pass
More insistent,

You hear His voice,
all around.

Serve life! Love!

"Let My love shine
through your face to this world!

"Let My joy
be your joy in this world!

"Let the world know

My love

"Let the world hear
the voice of the One.

Smiling throughout the universe
He says to you and all,

"I am endlessly Being!
Am I not?

"I am endlessly Creating!
Am I not?

"I am endlessly Loving!
Am I not?

"Yes, that I am,
I am, and will be,

"What I am and was,
Glorious! Endless, Life!


Next: Choices, Consequences, and the Edge of the World (Part 6.2)


Rhonda Patrick, PhD on Vitamin C

(article plus 1 hour video)

by Dr. Joseph Mercola  June 06, 2020



How they will get people to (force people to) accept the vaccinations:

'Forced' vaccinations will control your life, warns religious-liberty group

'Your life will be made so uncomfortable you don't really have a choice'

By WND Staff   June 7, 2020



ANTIFA: The Network of Violent Criminal Revolutionaries

By Kelleigh Nelson   June 7th, 2020


One example of who is guiding the ANTIFA anarchist movement in the US:

"Smash Racism DC organizer Jose Alcoff, aka Jose Martin and “Chepe,” is a radical communist and Antifa leader operating in the U.S. He advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich and claims to have international involvement in left-wing movements...."


'The Saker': The Systemic Collapse Of The US Society Has Begun

by Tyler Durden    06/06/2020



Re Contact Tracing

& further violations of our rights:

Camille Giglio, Dir., California Right to Life Committee 

tells us about the Senate Bill working its way thru Congress:

Pandemic Response and Opportunity Through National Service Act

Senate Bill 3624 -  116th Congress (2019-2020)


Sponsored "by Sen. Chris Coons and his 12 leftist comrades.   Awaiting hearing in the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley, Chairman. Amended June 6th to include references to the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse for immediate passage of this Contact Tracer financing bill.

Contact Sen. Charles Grassley to voice your opposition:

Phone:202/224-3744     Fax:202/224-6020

"This bill draws attention to the fact that some 300,000 people are out of work, need jobs and the Senate has just the answer.  Employ them all as Contact Tracers and allow them to do their good works for humanity tracking down potentially unaware Corona Virus carriers.

In 1990 the Corporation for National and Community Service Work merged with Americorp, Civilian Community Corporation, Americorp-Vista and the National Senior Service Corp to respond during crises of an emergency priority INCLUDING FOOD INSECURITY.  The bill also authorized this entity to respond to Public Health Surge Capacity Projects  AKA Triage type work, especially in hospitals in response to problems of potential overcrowding in hospitals due to some crisis or other.

This is a re-vitalization of the old Community Service Corp. This has been a goal of the Democrats for years.  Busy Bodies for Busy Work. AKA government aparats.

The plan this time is to hire 75,000 over 3 years to be hired by the Century Conservation Service Corp initially, to track down people and collect data on them as their first assignment. And it it would all be paid for by our taxes. In other words, we citizens would be paying workers to collect and report data on all of us.

You can contact Camille at:  callifeadvocates AT gmail


Agenda 21 [Now Agenda 2030] Requires Martial Law

The Washington Standard   June 7, 2020


".... they’re gonna use contact tracing in the New World Order to monitor you every single millisecond of every single day,”


Don’t Relinquish Civil Liberties for False Sense of Security

Barbara Loe Fisher discusses COVID 19

and Forced Vaccinations

Barbara is the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center

by Dr. Joseph Mercola   June 07, 2020



Black Life (and all life) Matters

February 18, 2015   BlackGenocide.org



If the hard Leftist communists and Islamists seize control, persecution of Christians, Jews, and those of other faiths will rise to extreme levels.  When a city's police force is disbanded, what do you think will replace it? "Community based patrols" will be the equivalent of either mob rule or Islamic Sharia police enforcing sharia law on all the people.  Watch Minneapolis and see how their effort to disband the police plays out.  Without police, how will the ordinary citizen or businessman/woman be able to be protected?

Will  various gangs rule the streets without even the slightest bit of  constraint imposed by the police -- as they do in many nations?  Maybe that is why many citizens are arming themselves rapidly when they never did before.  The people are afraid, because the leaders have abandoned their public purpose: to protect the lives of each and every individual in society, including those yet to be born and those who are vulnerable within healthcare and hospice.

Globally, in 2019, over " 260 million Christians face a level of persecution measured as extreme, very high, or high."  Hundreds of thousands are killed ... millions through the years. The culture of life? Or, the cultures of death?

He confronts us and asks us,

"What do you choose?"

"Who will you choose?"

"How then shall you choose to live?"

From sub-Saharan Africa to China, Christians experience ‘high’ levels of persecution

January 15, 2020   By World Watch Monitor




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We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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