800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


"Truth Crushes Evil" + We're  Winding down + What Matters Most

Day by Day, Three things I pray: To To see thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly, Follow thee more nearly Day by Day!

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To contact Ron Panzer in the future, please use a new email:
rpanzer@servermx.net and if you wished to be placed on a possible future email list from Ron, and receive emails he may send in the future, please send him an email with the subject line "Subscribe"

The Hospice Patients Alliance has been in existence since 1998 and we are very grateful for the blessing of serving the public for so long and to have come to know so many wonderful and loving people.

Ending the HPA is not what we had planned but we have planted seeds that have sprouted and now it is up to the new generation of pro-life advocates to nourish and encourage the growth of this advocacy to protect all life including at the end-of-life (which is often ignored by many pro-life groups).

What Matters Most:

We wish to remind all that only with deep faith and faithfulness can the culture of life flourish and evil in our world be subdued and properly handled. Though we work to pass laws, if they are not enforced or if the laws themselves are corrupted, the people's lives are not protected.

It is only by opening our hearts, day by day, to the dear Lord's love and grace that we can grow within the culture of life. It is only within a culture of life that life itself will be protected!

Listen to a song about that:


Our friend and pro-life hero, Judie Brown of American Life League, reminds us that "Speaking Truth Crushes Evil."  While there are many pro-lifers of various denominations or no denomination, the truth remains the same: supporting the murder of the innocents is an evil and those who have faith in the dear Lord or those who value life and seek to protect it cannot support leaders who actively promote the killing of the innocents by any means or omission (whether young or old).


We dipped a finger in the waters of life. Now others will come to do so as well!

You Dipped a Finger

November 15, 2017
By Ron Panzer

You never knew
that the path began
or where it ends.

You only saw
darkening skies
and brought a light.

Without a thought
You reached out!
... to shield them.

dark storms gathered.
You were surprised.

Now, eyes open,
darkness revealed,
You cling to the Light.

Once friends — foes,
Once trusted,
now distant mirage.

You wonder,
"What good did it do?"

Feeling so alone ...
You are not!

Clouds pierced,
finally reveals Himself!

All is changed,
and through an open door
beyond, a narrow path.

Don't you see?
Don't you understand?

Long ago,
You passed by the stream
of clear waters!

Your finger
And tasted sweetness Itself.

Perhaps you lifted a spoon,
shared a kind word,
saved a life!

Dare you
to save a world?

You took a chance!
Chose a choice.

Now bent and scarred,
You slowly step.

The familiar dance begins,
as clouds pour across the sky.

It's no wonder
you stop and ask,
"Did it really matter?"

Nothing matters more!
Ripples radiated!
Touching all.

Thanking you,
Thanking Him!

Praising you,
Praising Him!

We see you.
We thank you!
Know — He sees!

Child of God
Your heart could do
Nothing other.

We understand.
He knows!

Your love — His love!
Your light — His light!
Your life — His life!

Blessed you are.

They will come
and dip their fingers, too!

Watch them swiftly dance!


A message from Marsha Joiner, HPA Board member and host on Blog Talk Radio show "Betrayed by Hospice"

Three years ago in 2017, my Mom was murdered by hospice with drugs and dehydration.  I was in shock and seeking answers and any reasonable explanation as to what just happened in front of my sister and me.  That’s when I typed in “are people really being euthanized?” and Hospice Patients Alliance (HPA) website popped up!

I read about this happening everywhere and knew I was not alone, although I still felt alone.  My sister and I called the number and Ron Panzer contacted us within hours. He explained what was going on and how we got here.  I said, I want to help and he stated yes, a lot of people want to help but rarely follow though for one reason or another.   I didn’t want to be one of those people and I was too enraged and still on a search for a way to warn others.

That quest led me to Marti Oakley and Blogtalk Radio where I eventually took up a torch and started sharing my story as well as allowing others to share their story on a talk show titled Betrayed by Hospice.  The show took on a life of its own and I was fortunate to find others in the ”anti-hospice, anti-euthanasia industry” who were willing to come on the show and share their knowledge.  Ron Panzer was one of those experts who came on and shared his vast knowledge as well as many other professionals and I don’t want to list all or miss one.

Fast forward in time and I was honored that Ron asked me to serve on the Hospice Patients Alliance board which I have been doing since that time.  I am saddened that the HPA chapter is closing but I understand Ron’s need to move forward with his personal life.  Working on such depressing issues can take a toll on anyone.  I have no doubt he will continue supporting the mission in some fashion. Thank you Ron for allowing me to be a part of the HPA mission.

In the mean-time, I will continue to advocate for the elderly and most vulnerable with the Betrayed by Hospice talk show (part of Marti Oakley's show)  and trying to warn others of what hospice has become and the dangers of trusting without verifying.

I can be reached at: marshajoiner2018  AT gmail.com 
if you need to talk or if you want to tell your story.  I also belong to a Facebook group called Murdered by Hospice which is a great group of people who have experienced loss of a loved one to hospice and they are very supportive.  It’s a safe place to vent or ask for information.  

Regards,    Marsha Joiner

You can write to Marsha to subscribe to her email list and be notified about upcoming shows.


CDC Announces That Students
May Be Kept From Parents Overnight
as Ohio Sets Up COVID-19 FEMA Camps!
The onslaught of tyranny continues
Sep 7, 2020    By Shane Trejo


Trump Administration Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Strategy   Sept 16, 2020  Dept Health & Human Services


Without that growing love enabled by His grace, no reform arises or is possible! 

What is "justice" for the evil-minded is actual evil that harms and attacks the lives of all in one way or another.  It is only with a mind and heart uplifted by love that one sees more clearly what authentic justice is and how it might be achieved in this world.


If you wish to know how the culture of death was brought most forcefully into modern End-of-Life healthcare and then into all aspects of healthcare today, LifeTree.org (led by our friend Betty Wickham, PhD) has a Timeline created and researched by Ione Whitlock  that clearly shows how the worst change in our healthcare system were funded and supported:


Yes, Hospice Patients Alliance will be ending as a non-profit charitable organization and our operations will end as we are not able to continue (for various reasons).   

Through September all books and articles by Ron Panzer have been made downloadable for free in pdf format at the following links below. 

Just open them in your browser and save them to read at your leisure.   Share them with others.

If you want them, download them now while you can.  
They will not be there after September.  Ron will be retiring from Hospice Patients Alliance work after 22 years and over 30 years in patient advocacy work.

HPA will be shutting down.  The Hospice Patients Alliance website pages will eventually be accessible online as a "legacy site" archived by Dave Burton who has been a webmaster for our dear friends at Lifetree.org

Here are the books by Ron:

Restoring the Culture of Life  
(The Ethics of Life in Healthcare and Society)

Radical Radical: Deception and the Cultures of Death

Stealth Euthanasia: Healthcare Tyranny in America

Articles by Ron Panzer 2003 through May 2012

Articles by Ron Panzer May 2012 through June 2016

Called to Serve

The Heart of End of Life Care (2006)

Guide to Hospice Care (2014 version)

Pro-life Audio Interviews are available for download at the link below. Download them now (right click and save):

The pro-life videos that are listed at our site will be copied to www.bitchute.com (from Youtube where they can be seen now at the above link). We will have the videos placed at a different channel but they will be ale to be found when searching for them.  We will let you know where they are in a future newsletter.

Bitchute.com does not censor videos that are shared (just like Youtube) and many videos that disappear at Youtube are available at Bitchute.com.  We recommend that you check them out if something disappears at Youtube.

All healthcare must be pro-life,
otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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