800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Dangers of Victorian London| Roman history quiz | Vikings history

From violent thieves to pig-infested sewers... View this email online

Living in fear: the dangers of Victorian London

From the terror of being strangled by violent thieves to tales that the sewers were infested with a squealing band of pigs, 19th-century Londoners spent much of their time living in fear. Emma Butcher and Tim Blythe reveal what seven such scare stories can tell us about the psyche of the imperial capital...

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"A taste for husbands' buttocks"

From chewing coal to salivating over starch and shells, pregnant women in early modern England were consumed by a number of outlandish cravings. Jennifer Evans explores how doctors made sense of these bizarre – and sometimes dangerous – desires...

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Charles Dickens's social crusades

Prison reformer, scourge of capitalists, champion of the poor – Charles Dickens was so much more than the author who brought  us Great Expectations and A Christmas Carol. Rosalind Crone highlights the ways in which righteous anger fuelled Charles Dickens' social crusades...

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The Habsburgs: the dynasty that wouldn't die

Not even madness, alcoholism and bloody wars of religion could deny the Habsburgs their status as one of the great powerhouses of Europe. Martyn Rady shares the survival secrets of a family that, for 900 years, displayed a remarkable capacity for self-preservation...

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The real Vikings

The exploits of Norse warrior Ragnar Lothbrok and his kin in hit TV drama Vikings has brought fresh interest to the myths and figures of the early medieval world. As the final series continues, Professor Howard Williams explores how the show's sweeping ambition has tackled historical issues of the Viking era while creating an immersive world – one with more reality than you might think…

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Ancient Rome quiz

Test your knowledge of ancient Rome with this quiz written by Peter Heather, a professor of medieval history at King's College London who specialises in the late Roman empire...

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On the HistoryExtra podcast...

In our latest episodes: Jacqueline Riding considers whether Bonnie Prince Charlie was a valiant freedom fighter, or a haughty coward; Edward Brooke-Hitching discusses some of history's strangest literary curiosities, from hoax manuscripts to tomes bound in human skin; and Emma Griffin answers questions about the Industrial Revolution....

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Where will you discover in 2021?

We have teamed up with our partners to bring you the finest collection of cultural, historical and special interest tours for the year ahead. Whether you wish to learn more of the history and art of a particular region or enjoy a classical concert, we are confident you will find something that will whet your appetite for travel.

So whether it's following the road to victory on the Western Front or exploring the Bay of Naples with an expert guide, discover your 2021 cultural tour here.

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