800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Ian Kershaw on why Hitler declared war on America

"One of the most puzzling decisions of WW2..." View this email online

Ian Kershaw on why Hitler declared war on America

In December 1941, Adolf Hitler took Germany into war against the USA. What prompted the Nazi leader to take a decision which seems, from an outside perspective, bizarrely self-destructive? Ian Kershaw explores Adolf Hitler's seemingly inexplicable declaration of war against America and considers whether it was a symptom of his "rampant megalomania"...

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Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad saved thousands from the hell of slavery, but one name will always stand out as the symbol of courage, selflessness and freedom. Jonny Wilkes explores how one woman saved hundreds from hell…

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A guide to the Roman army, plus 10 facts about life in the legions

The beat of Roman soldiers' boots echoed throughout every corner of the empire – but what was it like to serve in the legions? Guy de la Bédoyère delves into the vast archive these soldiers left behind and presents 10 snapshots of life in the ancient world's most powerful military force...

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Forgotten voices: the history behind Holocaust Memorial Day

The Nazi death camps witnessed crimes of unprecedented horror, so why did it take decades for a Holocaust memorial day to be established? Laurence Rees investigates...

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The discovery at Sutton Hoo: when the Dark Ages were lit up

Alex Burghart looks back to the discovery of the fabulous Anglo-Saxon burial at Sutton Hoo, and ponders how far we've come in our knowledge of the period since 1939...

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The latest issue of BBC History Revealed is now on sale!

Inside our February 2021 issue: your essential guide to the history of medicine; the incredible story of Ireland's pirate queen, Grace O'Malley; the great Mormon migration of 1846; 12 questions about the IRA answered; and much more…

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On the HistoryExtra podcast...

This week on the HistoryExtra podcast: journalist Sir Peter Stothard discusses the hunt for Julius Caesar's murderers; historian Daniel Ogden explores the origins of the werewolf legend in stories from classical Greece and Rome; and historian Ian Mortimer examines the chasm between rich and poor that marked society in the early 19th century... 

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