800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


January 11: Spices, Morse Code, Insulin and 55 Years Since a Landmark Anti-Smoking Warning


On This Day in History

January 11, 2021

Historical Events

1599  Jacob van Neck's fleet leaves Bantam, Java in modern day Indonesia with 1 million pounds of pepper and cloves and a further half a ship full of nutmeg, mace and cinnamon

1838  First public demonstration of telegraph messages sent using dots and dashes at Speedwell Ironworks in Morristown, New Jersey by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail

1879  Anglo-Zulu War begins as British Lt-General Chelmsford invades Zululand in South Africa

1922  Insulin first used on humans to treat diabetes, on Canadian Leonard Thompson, aged 14

1964  First government report by US Surgeon General Luther Terry warning that smoking may be hazardous

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Anita Ekberg

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Edmund Hillary

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January 11: World's First National State Lottery

Lotteries have been around for centuries but on this day the world's first national state lottery was played out – with fabulous and surprising prizes.
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