800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


January 31: Slavery Abolished in the USA, Guy Fawkes is Hanged and the Infamous Crippen Murder Case


On This Day in History

January 31, 2021

Historical Events

1865  Congress passes the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery in America (passes 121-24)

1865  General Robert E. Lee named Commander-in-Chief of Confederate Armies during US Civil War

1943  Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus surrenders to Soviet troops at Stalingrad

1950  US President Harry Truman publicly announces support for the development of a hydrogen bomb

1985  South African President P. W. Botha offers to free Nelson Mandela if he denounces violence

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Famous Birthdays

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Famous Deaths

Bonnie Prince Charlie

(1720 - 1788)

Guy Fawkes

(1570 - 1606)
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January 31: DNA Sheds Shocking New Light on Crippen Murder Case

A jury took 27 minutes to convict Dr Hawley Crippen of murdering his wife and burying her remains in his cellar. But shocking new DNA evidence later emerged.
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