800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Data tells a drastically different story than what we were told Immunologists and others explain

Those who know Directly (from the inside) tell us about Fauci's 30 year history and what he did

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Data tells a drastically different story than what we were told Immunologists, and others explain it

Those who know directly (from the inside of the national research "world") tell us about Fauci's 30 year history and what he and others did

If there seem to be too many articles and interviews to take in, it's true. All of us are being inu
ndated. The following are some that are relevant and some are vitally important to read or listen to, to really understand where we are today.  Just reading some of the headlines gives insight but others need careful attention.

It's really been an ongoing historic roller-coaster for people throughout the world!

Some of us have watched the movie, Contagion, from 2011.  In that scenario, a new virus arises in Australia and spreads to Los Angeles and other parts of the world, but appears to have something close to a 100% fatality rate. It's a dramatization of what might happen, but it is not totally unheard of.

The "Black Death" or plague if the early Middle Ages had a fatality rate of anywhere from 50% to much higher.  Smallpox and other diseases devastated some populations like the Aztecs, Incas, or native Americans who are thought to probably have been vanquished by a combination of military conquest and ravaging infectious diseases brought from Europe to a people who had no immunity to these foreign infectious agents.  See:

WRITTEN BY: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica  LAST UPDATED: Apr 15, 2020

History’s deadliest pandemics, from ancient Rome to modern America
Centuries before coronavirus, plague, smallpox, yellow fever and other contagions killed hundreds of millions around the world
By Michael S. Rosenwald    April 7, 2020  Washington Post

We can be grateful that we are much less likely to die from COVID 19 than these earlier pandemics!  The projected fatality rate at one point was 10%, 4%, 3%, 2.2%, 1%, and now we're getting data showing less than 1% fatality rate which is looking more like a flu pandemic like 2017 or others which also inundated the hospitals with patients and overwhelmed the ICUs.  However, we still don't know the long-term consequences and what lies ahead.

People are confused by the conflicting information: the scare tactics that should be cautionary when the threat is not known, and more encouraging as the data is released.  Are the lockdowns totally justified? Well, in the beginning when the threat was not known, the immunologists tell us that "Yes, it was necessary." But as more data is gathered, it seems increasingly arbitrary and tyrannical to continue for much of the population.

Yes, precautions need to be taken.  Yes, some businesses pose greater risks, but has anyone been publicizing the risks of death from suicide, business losses, bankruptcy, the collapse of healthcare systems throughout the world because tax revenue is drastically cut?  Have we considered the loss of life to come through continued shutdowns that arise from famine, collapsed supply chains, increased violence, rioting in some locations, and on and on?

Smart limited quarantines for the vulnerable while taking precautions is looking more and more like the right path and many practicing immunologists (their field) who actually treat patients say so.

But, people tell me and others that we should just "trust the experts in their field."  Of course we look to experts.  But have you ever had a medical condition and gone to the doctor without relief?

Sometimes, your doctor helps right away, but if he or she doesn't, then, you go to another seeking help, and maybe they find the diagnosis and remedy, but maybe they don't. Then, you go to a third and a fourth or more.  I know some people who have gone to many more than that to find answers. Doesn't that happen?

This is the case with any of these experts with whatever specialty. In every field --  even with pure research scientists --  there is always some degree of disagreement. That is natural and how accurate knowledge is eventually ferreted out. People disagree, study further, and then see what is accurate. So, we don't necessarily "trust the experts" without some skepticism. And with COVID 19, the experts have been wildly inaccurate on so many fronts.

That experts can disagree reminds me -- as I've mentioned before -- of watching doctors in my own family or elsewhere argue vehemently about specific medical issues.  Just because one is "an expert" in the field does not mean they are correct.  Just like Ignaz Semmelweis's case I wrote about previously: all "the experts" around him were wrong, and he was right. Galileo and Copernicus were right though "all the experts" were wrong. Science, REAL SCIENCE, does not depend upon "consensus," but real data, real reproducible results of valid hypotheses and experiments or studies that do test those hypotheses.

The "opinions" of experts are just that and all of us have been led down the "rosy path" by people who have misled us over and over again, not based on "data," but on an agenda.

Those of us who point out their political agenda are not being political when we simply point it out.

We are searching for the truth in order to protect the lives of people everywhere and preserve the human rights that all people on Earth deserve as God-given rights!  

That is what human advocacy and patient advocacy is all about!

"They" have to have a real crisis in order to use that to implement the Leftist changes they wish, and "they" have said so many times openly and repeatedly.

Numerous government leaders have openly stated they intend to make the most of the crisis to change our form of government, how we vote, and implement the globalist agenda. 

Yes, real people are dying, but the percentages of all those infected are much, much less than we were initially told. And yes, the elderly and immunocompromised with chronic conditions are much more likely to succumb to this infection, just as they are with the flu that killed 80,000 people in 2017/2018 and overwhelmed the hospitals at that time.

Experts in immunology who actually treat patients tell us that those at highest risk need to be protected, quarantined, given supplements that promote their immunity, and treated as soon as signs of infection are detected.  Those who are infected should not be sent back into nursing homes or allowed in to infect all those who are not infected, but that is what has been done in New York and other states, increasing the death rate of the nursing home population!

Also, it is encouraging to know that there are dozens of treatment options being explored to treat COVID 19 -- some very expensive and some very inexpensive and available as generics.

While there are many dedicated and sincere research scientists, there also business considerations that are pushing certain narratives and to doubt that is simply to be naive.  Yes, there is something called the "medical mafia" involving "big Pharma" that has huge lobbying power over government officials and those in the regulatory agencies. This "medical mafia" also puts pressure on physicians themselves to prescribe certain medications or to not prescribe certain medications.

Executives from big Pharma have worked in the FDA and vice versa.  One might think that those who make the pharmaceuticals know their industry, but it also opens the real opportunity for those in power to favor the corporations and only promote those treatments that will bring in more revenue!

Is this hard to accept? Or should we blindly believe that the FDA always has our best interests at heart? Should we blindly accept that the vaccine manufacturers always put the safest ingredients in them?

I do wonder what lies "down the road" in the future for those who "recover."  Only time will tell.  Some viruses are said to hide and remain dormant only to appear later on. Or, will there be long-term damage to the lungs, heart, kidneys, and testes that have greater concentrations of ACE2 receptors where the virus is said to attach and penetrate the cell?

Will there be long-term damage from the way the virus affects the oxygenation levels in the body due to destruction of the capacity for the red blood cells to carry oxygen? Will there be an effect on fertility such as the globalists like Bill Gates have told us they seek?

There are so many unanswered questions that will take time for the researchers and physicians to answer.  -  RP


The Experts Were ALL WRONG: Six New Studies Show COVID-19 Infected Millions More than Predicted Across US from NYC to LA to Miami to Boston to Chicago!
By Jim Hoft   April 24, 2020


California Doctors of Immunology Say Only Sick and Elderly Should be Quarantined, Businesses Should Open, and State is Pressuring Drs. to Add COVID-19 Numbers
By Jim Hoft    April 25, 2020

(This video of the physicians may be censored by Youtube and may no longer be there soon, as Youtube's management has openly stated that if any videos present any opinion conflicting with the WHO, they will remove it!  So much for free communication and free speech.)


[a 13 minute video from a hospital respiratory therapist with 21 years experience who directly helps COVID and other patients; confirms what the California doctors and others are saying: the numbers are bogus and pressure is being imposed to label anyone who dies with a respiratory issue as a COVID death!"]

Respiratory Therapist Confirms Hospital Pressures them to label ANY patient with breathing problems as COVID 19 to inflate the numbers
April 21, 2020  "Try Thinking For Once"


The following is a must listen to interview with Judy Mikovits, PhD who has spent her entire career in the field researching viruses and is an expert in this field.  Those who question criticism of Dr Fauci should get the most relevant information that I have seen anywhere from the scientist who knows it directly and has personal insight about his actions over the past three decades!

Shall we be like those who put blinders over their eyes because they don't wish to believe something? ... because it shatters their faith in worldly institutions that they thought to be hallmarks of integrity and purity?  

Those of us who are patient advocates are what we are, because long ago, we have already had our faith in the integrity and purity of man -- and the institutions he creates -- shattered by the corruption and evil that pervades many human institutions, including the NIH, the FDA, the WHO, and the CDC.  These are the institutions that can provide wonderful information and guidance, but they can also be politicized to be used in some ways that override our Constitutional rights.

That being said, we do get important information from them, but must "trust but verify" what comes out of these, just as we must verify the information the politicians spread incessantly with media reinforcement.  Some of what they told us has been extremely erroneous!

In the end, we must listen and search for the truth wherever it leads and whatever the conclusion is, because that is the path He would have us follow in science, in medicine, and in all other aspects of society and our lives.

Those who us who seek the truth should not be afraid to hear both sides, and should especially be more interested in direct testimony, not "hearsay" testimony from those who were not there to know the truth:

TOP Scientist & HIV/AIDS Research Pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits Blows Whistle on Dr. Fauci; DISTURBING Details of Threats; Research Theft; Tainted Vaccines; Fraud; Cover-Ups; Pay to Play
Mike Moore ("Thomas Paine")  Truepundit.com  April 22, 2020


[The first part up to 33 minutes and about 30 seconds is background information provided by the interviewer. Dr Mikovits comes on after that. This may be technical  at times but even lay people will be outraged by the corrupt acts of those who have prevented proper recognition of the contamination of the blood supply, vaccines, and the provision of cures for serious illnesses! 

Dr Mikovits explains how effective treatment for HIV/AIDS was delayed and how a scientific understanding of many chronic conditions has been censored and therefore prevented those suffering terribly from getting the treatment they desperately need!

This is by far, one of the most important interviews I have heard about the current situation!  It just gets more and more interesting as Dr Mikovits goes on.]


Many elderly died in Italy's nursing homes, contributing to the high rates of death there:

After Italy's Coronavirus Grief Come Anger and Investigations
4/16/2020  MSN.com (from the Wall Street Journal)

"Relatives and friends of many victims want to know whether their deaths could have been avoided. Politicians are trading accusations over the handling of the crisis. And prosecutors have opened investigations to determine whether there was culpable negligence in specific cases, such as in nursing homes and at the hospital near Bergamo where Mr. Leardi worked. The inquiries are likely to lead to court cases that could drag on for years...."


CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) in the age of Covid 19-What You Need to Know
Nancy Valko, RN    April 25, 2020


Note: there is a concerted effort to discredit the very inexpensive hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin and zinc treatment.  Yes, this is just one of many potential treatments and though there could be some cardiac and other effects, it is the physicians treating the patients who can determine what their patients need and which medications to use as treatment, not the government bureaucrats and politicians who are not licensed to practice medicine!

The following articles below provide a sampling of dozens and dozens to show that the doctors themselves (and remember, Boston Medical Center and others) are using HCQ with Azithromycin and they state it is working (among other options also being used).  Mentioning this medication regimen would not be needed if there were not an effort to discredit it!

Though controlled studies must be done, we must recognize that most of the United States patients are not enrolled in these studies!  The studies are only approved to be conducted in selected areas. Elsewhere, the doctors should not be "hamstrung" as to what medications they can give!


‘Battlefield Medicine’: NY, NJ Doctors and Patients See Anecdotal Evidence of Hydroxychloroquine Benefits in Fighting Coronavirus
AARON KLEIN 1 Apr 2020

“This is battlefield medicine and the use of real time frontline assessment,” said Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who practices family medicine .... Zelenko has been prescribing a treatment plan of 200mg of hydroxychloroquine twice a day for 5 days, Azithromycin 500mg antibiotics once a day for 5 days, and 220mg of Zinc sulfate once a day for 5 days. .... 

As of this writing, Zelenko said he has seen nearly 700 coronavirus patients since the outbreak, with each diagnosed either clinically or via coronavirus testing. He said that he selected about 200 high-risk patients to receive the hydroxychloroquine cocktail and about nearly 150 took the drugs. [ONLY] Six of his patients were admitted to hospitals. Two of those admitted were intubated, and four are recovering on intravenous antibiotics.

The hydroxychloroquine sulfate is thought to serve as a key to force open internal cell channels, including those susceptible to coronavirus, allowing the zinc to penetrate and help line the intracellular walls to protect against coronavirus penetration. The antibiotic is meant to act against any secondary infection brought on by the coronavirus attack.

Dr. Rosy E. Joseph is a nephrologist in Hackensack, New Jersey, and has been practicing for 30 years. ... 

As a kidney specialist, Joseph has been using hydroxychloroquine to treat lupus patients for decades. 

Joseph told Breitbart News that she treated between 50 and 60 presumptive and confirmed coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine. Her regimen differs somewhat from that of Zelenko in that she combines the drug with Vitamins C and D, along with zinc. 

Joseph said that she believes the regimen is most likely helping. She said only one patient was hospitalized, an elderly individual who was already seriously ill by the time hydroxychloroquine was administered. That patient went to the hospital the next day. 

Joseph said she has not seen evidence of serious side effects from the prescribed cocktail. 

A third doctor, Hillel Isseroff, is an internist in Brooklyn, New York, affiliated with NYU Langone Hospitals and Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital. He has been treating coronavirus patients in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, which has also experienced a massive influx due to the pandemic. 

Isseroff told Breitbart News that he is currently analyzing data from the more than 225 coronavirus patients that he treated using hydroxychloroquine. His overall assessment is that he feels the medication might be effective if it is started early, from onset of the symptoms. 

"Isseroff had been prescribing hydroxychloroquine along with Azithromycin 250mg tablets in select coronavirus patients who were considered high risk. He has also been suggesting zinc early in the illness. 

"One doctor, a renowned oncologist on the upper east side of Manhattan, has admitting privileges to hospitals in that area. He told Breitbart News he is aware of one major upper east side hospital that is officially using the hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combination to treat coronavirus patients. He says that the hospital is finding the cocktail to be working “quite well” in patients who are not admitted in critical condition.


Denver Doctor Prescribing Controversial Hydroxychloroquine To Patients Says Symptoms Reversed ‘In A Day Or Two’
By Brian Maass

"Dr. Constantine Tsamasfyros, who has been a primary care doctor in Denver for nearly 50 years, told CBS4 Investigator Brian Maass he has prescribed a combination of hydroxychloroquine (also known as Plaquenil) and an antibiotic called azithromycin to about a dozen patients over the last few weeks. “They all did well. They seemed to reverse their symptoms in a day or two,” said Tsamasfyros, who said he “absolutely” believed the medication was working.


Michigan doctors see success in COVID-19 treatment but say more clinical trials are needed
by Trisha McCauley | Newschannel 3Tuesday, March 31st 2020

Marcus Zervos, infectious disease doctor for Henry Ford Health System, said they had seen success with hydroxychloroquine therapy in a number of COVID-19 patients. He said those given the drug were able to get off a ventilator and out of the hospital faster.


Central Florida Doctor Shares
Experience Prescribing Lupus Drug to Treat Coronavirus Patients
By Krystel Knowles Brevard County   Apr. 10, 2020

The family medicine doctor said he prescribed hydroxychloroquine along with azithromycin, a common antibiotic, and within two days, some of his patients who were in their 60s and one patient who was in their 40s started feeling better.

“What the hydroxychloroquine does is it modulates your immune system so it doesn't overact. (The) body then finally catches up to the virus and knocks it out. The Z-Pak (azithromycin) is to prevent secondary infection,” he said.

[There are dozens and dozens of these reports from real doctors dealing with real patients. Yes, "anecdotal evidence" but real experience in cases from the "battlefield" to save those patients.

Until real long-term studies are properly done (not biased setups), then on this battlefield, when patients are dying, doctors use what they see that is working to save their patients' lives.]


You will understand what the Leftists have done with the entertainment media and society over the past several decades.

Read the The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network plan that we have all been subjected to throughout the world and pay attention to their "lockdown" plan.  Look at the chapter beginning on page 18 entitled:

"LOCK STEP Scenario Narratives"

"A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback."

"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

They explain very clearly how we the people are their enemy and their goal is to get us to lay down and accept everything they are dishing out. The fight is on and they recognize that and have planned for our resistance already (the document shows this).

"...Supreme excellence
  [in defeating your enemy]
consists in breaking the enemy's resistance
without fighting."

                              -  The Art of War, ch III,2
                                   "Attack by Strategem,"
                                                    by Lao Tse

So, the "greatest" deception in this "war" is to get us -- their enemy -- to willingly agree to surrender.

Bill Gates has publicly expressed support for reducing the human population by 10% to 15% (and don't let anyone convince you otherwise). He stated this as clear as can be many times, here, for example:

Innovating to Zero
Bill Gates TED Talk   Feb 20, 2010

Listen very carefully. He equates you and me to "the problem." He equates you and me to creators of "evil" CO2 emissions that must be reduced to Zero!

And, Bill Gates says very clearly that one part of getting to "zero" emissions is to reduce the world population by 10-15% through the use of vaccines!


Here's the report by Dr Russell Blaylock showing us "How to Save Yourself from the Immunity Storm" is online at:

Vitamin C (doctors have said that the liposomal form is most absorbable, if you can get it.  Mercola.com recently got some in)  Vitamins A, B complex, D3/K2, Zinc (ionic in liquid form is said to be most absorbable) and Selenium especially are helpful the doctors say.  Also, to avoid Tylenol when fever is present (Dr Blaylock explains that). 


CDC (CoronaVirus COVID 19 center)
World Health Organization (COVID 19 center)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to prepare and protect yourself
What to do if you think you are sick


If You are Sick or Caring for someone who is Sick

Johns Hopkins CoronaVirus Resource Center

COVID 19 Stats from every country
Save Yourself from Immunity "Storm"
Russell L Blaylock, MD
The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 15, No 4 

These supplements can be ordered online from SwansonVitamins.com or Puritan's Pride supplements  www.puritan.com

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All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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