800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Where did those 1600 Nazi Doctors go that were brought to the US? And who was mentored by them? 4-28-2020

Those who know Directly (from the inside) tell us about Fauci's 30 year history and what he did

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Where did those 1600 Nazi Doctors go that were brought to the US?

Operation "Paperclip" was a real project that recruited 1600 Nazi
Doctors and brought them to the USA.

They're all gone now. But, the younger generation of doctors and
scientists that worked with them, studied under them. who are they?

Have you ever wondered who among the current leaders in our
health care system were mentored by them or in turn mentored by
their students? 

Where did they go?  Did they disappear? Do they exist?
What kind of worldview and values would they have?
What would they do if empowered to control our society?


Just a note: in case anyone is wondering, actual standards of care would never allow us to reuse masks, gloves, or gowns when treating patients. These are disposed of and in healthcare, we go through huge numbers of these supplies. Healthcare workers are horrified at the need to re-use PPE such as masks.

But when there is such a shortage, as now exists, the authorities are telling us to re-use, conserve and make do. That re-use could be ineffective in preventing infection is the reason they have researched ways of disinfecting/sterilizing the masks for re-use in hospitals and they are now doing that in some locations.

For home use, re-use is not as significant a risk if properly handled.


We all have been watching the devastation of the FBI's reputation by inaccurate findings, scandals, and some reprimands, and firings. The past three years has been unlike any we have witnessed in decades.

But one thing doesn't get said much: those faithful FBI agents who currently work, or who formerly worked, at the FBI are outraged that anyone would impugn the reputation of the agency that they are (were) so proud to have served.

The same thing happens when one police man does something horrific and the entire police force is thought to be corrupt. It just isn't so!

That some are offended is understandable. They are proud of what they do or did and seek to protect the reputation of where they worked and the mission they care about.

Many faithful agents risk their lives, dedicate themselves to bring justice to our society. When some disgrace the agency, the entire organization's reputation is tainted but that does not mean all are suspected of having done wrong.  

Yet, there are some FBI agents that are infuriated that anyone would question the FBI's integrity.

Their pride as agents, makes some of them resistant to seeing the truth or even admitting it. They would never even wish to think it!

The same thing occurs when any of us have worked for an organization and been convinced of the wonderful work being done there and the dedication of all around us.

Various churches and denominations in different religions around the world have been plagued by scandals and again, some are offended if anyone mentions these or suggests that there actually was wrongdoing within their church.

They conflate criticism of some of the leaders in the church or organization, with criticism of their own faith or their own integrity and dedication.  And if someone does that, they would be very offended by anyone who criticized their organization or church.

So, the same applies here to the National Institutes of Health, which is a department of the US Department of Health.  Someone who has worked there would be truly offended when people critique those at the NIH/NIAID such as Dr Fauci.

And yes, some are really terribly upset that anyone would question the integrity of Dr Fauci or others at the NIH, especially if they worked there.

Yet, I would ask any who are offended -- because they believe that the NIH and US Dept of Health are respected all around the world -- and believe in its unquestionable integrity:

"When the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was first uncovered by someone working at the US Dept of Health, what part of the US government did nothing at all? 

The answer is: the US Department of Health!

It was only after a journalist then exposed the whole thing to the world that the US Department of Health shut down the immoral project.  What does that tell us about the leaders and directors of various departments within the US Dept of Health?

It tells us that although on the whole, it can do much good in the world, it is not incapable of doing terrible, terrible evil!  

In that case, it did horrific evil!  And it wasn't a vague "department" that did it, it was real men and women at the US Dept of Health who decided to do it. cover it up, and later do nothing to punish the doctors who conducted the study.

Then I ask those who are offended by any criticism of Dr Fauci:

We are told that after World War II, the US took in 1600 Nazi scientists in that famous "Operation PaperClip," and that rather than charging them with crimes against humanity, they brought these vile men and women to the US, gave them new names and identities, and had them apply their skills and share their knowledge in many departments of the US government.

Where did the Nazi doctors and medical scientists go to continue their "medical research?"  

We know that the physicists worked in the Defense Department and were involved in creating bomb technology and others.

The Nazi doctors brought here went into our US Public Health Services in various divisions which after a couple of decades passed with various re-namings, became the US Dept of Health and National Institutes of Health ("NIH") which has 27 institutes and centers.  The National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases which Dr Fauci has directed for 30 years is one of them.

If there were so many Nazi doctors brought into the US and they were given new identities, where they went exactly would have been hidden as much as possible.  Of course.  But I would ask,

"What effect did such Nazi doctors and medical researchers in our US Public Health Service and in our universities (for some of them) have on those young doctors and medical researchers that were mentored by them?

I would ask,

"If these Nazi doctors were not pro-life (obviously) and were utilitarian and had performed and perfected euthanasia and other methods of medical killing, what type of "ethics" would they have shared with their students and younger colleagues?  What influence would they have on them?"

And I would ask,

"Isn't it obvious that some of the Nazi doctors' students, or students of those students, must now -- without any doubt --be running some of the departments within the US Dept of Health?"

Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, for example, was Pres Obama's health advisor and had much influence on the design of the Obamacare system and explained that the elderly would not get the "guaranteed health services" that were "guaranteed to all" because they had lived "complete lives!"

He said it was not discrimination to do so, because all elderly would be treated the same way!  To me, that is the language of a Nazi doctor who would deny treatment to a vulnerable elderly patient and ration care just because of that patient's age.

I wonder who is running the NIH, the CDC, and other departments. And if some former scientists who worked there are offended because we question them or openly investigate their doings, that is their arrogant self-pride that is biting them -- as self-pride is something that afflicts every one of us!  

The search for the truth does not permit us to close our eyes and not investigate Dr Fauci or any other leader in the NIH, especially when they are directing what happens to our entire nation! That search does not impugn the character of those who have never done what Dr Fauci has done!

Just like with the FBI, there are the many great and dedicated agents and there are some who have disgraced themselves and brought shame to the agency. No institution or organization among men is flawless.  No man or woman is.

The same is true of some leaders of the US Depts of Health who have for recent years supported abortion, and supported many medications and vaccines that have done irreparable harm to many.  For decades, they have censored any information getting out to the public about stealth euthanasia and eldercide occurring in our nation.

That being said, what about the CDC? Is it pure as the wind driven snow?

C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say
Fallout from the agency’s failed rollout of national coronavirus kits two months ago continues to haunt U.S. efforts to combat the spread of the highly infectious virus.
By Sheila Kaplan   April 18, 2020  NY Times

What about the current head of the CDC, Dr Redfield? Is he someone without scandal or controversy?

AIDS Researcher Robert Redfield Is the New CDC Director. Here's Why the Pick Is Controversial

What about Dr. Fauci?  Well, we've read much about him. More will be revealed as time goes on.  The truth will out! as they say.  Watch for more and more in the news because there is a lot that will be revealed.


New Study Demolishes Fauci, Birx and Bill Gates’ Lies

By Kelleigh Nelson   April 28th, 2020



Now, the trend in understanding the severity of symptoms due to this SARS CoV-2 infection in some (but not others) is towards looking at the pandemic's clinical picture as a combination of different factors... It's not just that one virus solely is causing death or severe symptoms in some (while others have little or few symptoms).

Yes, we all have been told that people who have chronic conditions, heart, lung, kidney, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, are elderly, etc are at higher risk. That's the data that's being produced. But there are other factors that "they" are not talking about.

Anything that stresses the body and therefore reduces our immune system could be a factor in causing a poorer response to the virus.  Even discussion of all of this and getting all frantic?  Joblessness, bankruptcy, staying inside all the time and not getting enough sunlight (vitamin D for example) and fresh air are some obvious stressors. 

Some are saying being exposed to too much EMF (electro magnetic field) exposure from our cell phones/wifi/5G and others, as well as and especially additional viruses that are waiting, hiding inside our bodies, and are called retroviruses, and especially the XMRV (mouse virus) retrovirus that has been discovered to have tainted vaccines and past blood supplies.

Of course, these concerns have been minimized by those who sell us the cellphones, make the wifi devices/routers/gateways/etc or who are installing millions of 5G antennas all around the world in every neighborhood, and sending thousands of 5G satellites into space to beam those signals back to us.

They tell us "Don't worry about that! Don't look at the man behind the curtain," so to speak.  "It's safe!  Anyone who questions this technology is a kook!" A "conspiracy theorist!"  Where have we heard that before?  Tobacco?  Glyphosate/Roundup?  Insecticides?

Many suggest that those who are getting severely ill and dying of COVID 19 have some of these co-factors that cause death in them. What these co-factors are vary between patients.

XMRV (mouse virus) is suggested by some as a co-factor that could make some of us more susceptible to SARS CoV-2 or other viruses). Where would anyone be exposed to a mouse virus? It sounds ridiculous, but there is an explanation!

The fine print of some vaccines would explain that some of them had contaminants of mouse virus. The fine print of past blood supplies would explain (if there were such a thing as fine print for a blood transfusion) that they had been tainted with mouse virus!

We were never told about it!  Why not?  Could it be because the students of those Nazi doctors and medical researchers, or the students of those students, have the same values as their mentors and they are running the "medical mafia?"

For example, here below we see research done that shows an association between the XMRV (mouse virus) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Judy A Mikovits, PhD, et al ... and Francis W Ruscetti, PhD
Virulence. 2010 Sep-Oct; 1(5): 386–390. doi: 10.4161/viru.1.5.12486
PMCID: PMC3073172 PMID: 21178474


Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding
April 28, 2020   by John P Thomas  Health Impact News


Dr. Fauci’s Attempt to Silence Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Which Destroyed her Career
April 28, 2020  Vaccine Impact

I would ask, "What happens to an honest young researcher when she exposes wrongdoing so horrific that that wrongdoing caused millions of people to suffer and many to die?"

I would ask, "Do we have any compassion for those whistle-blowers who risked their careers, their financial well-being, their reputations, their futures, to tell the truth about what is really going on?"  

Do we have that compassion?  

Do we really know what it takes to walk alone and stand up against the most powerful and know that we would be attacked severely?


Now, back to China:  Do we remember those videos uploaded by the "citizen journalists" from China who risked their lives and probably gave their lives to tell the world what was going on in Wuhan?

Like this woman: https://www.brighteon.com/e521ae50-337b-4bf8-8d7c-eb73d59acc0d

Well, now 2 months later the authorities here are beginning to tell the truth: that the crematoriums were running 24/7 and that just in Wuhan alone there would have been over 40,000 deaths due to COVID 19:

U.S. Official Gives Fox News Stunning Estimate On China’s Real Coronavius Numbers
By Ryan Saavedra   APRIL 27TH, 2020   DailyWire.com


posted for those who missed this one:

Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be 'exterminated' if lockdowns lifted
'What people are trying to do is flatten the curve. I don't really know why'

WND Staff    April 7, 2020


Horowitz: Antibody tests are proving that continuing lockdown is senseless
Daniel Horowitz · April 27, 2020


Fauci's preferred vaccine company (funded by his friend Bill Gates!):

Biotech company Moderna says its coronavirus vaccine is ready for first tests
By Hanna Ziady, CNN Business   February 26, 2020

How did they get that done so fast???  February 26?

First of all, there has never been a vaccine for a corona virus or rhino virus (among hundreds of viruses that can cause a "common cold" with its usual symptoms.  Have you heard of anyone being vaccinated for the common cold?  No.  So, within one month they have a vaccine that was not able to successfully be created in decades?  Something not right there ...  but when vaccines  are being pushed heavily by the NIH/NIAID, we know that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is right behind those marketing it:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funding Vaccine Production at: MODERNA
(The Fauci preferred vaccine)
Foundations Advancing mRNA Science and Research
for MODERNA RX corporation

"In January 2016, we entered a global health project framework agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to advance mRNA-based development projects for various infectious diseases. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed up to $20.0 million in grant funding to support...."


Lockdown Vs. Non-Lockdown ‘Did Not Produce A Statistically Different Number Of Deaths,’ CA Docs Say
by Eric A. Blair  April 27, 2020


VIDEO: Insane Murder Going on in NYC Hospitals RN Discloses ~ Go Viral
From "Net Most wanted" (on Youtube) Nurse Practitioner Reports on NYC Hospital Mistreatment of Patients!

(The Geller report has a partial transcript of this same video here:
By Pamela Geller   April 27, 2020   Geller Report

Of course, some will say that this video of the nurse practioner reporting for another in NYC is "not credible." But I can tell you as a whistleblower that there is very real fear when you decide to speak out and your entire career is endangered forever because you do so, and you will be retaliated against, harassed, mocked, ridiculed, and possibly lose your license to practice!

I've been there and I know that almost every nurse and doctor that told me privately that they agreed with me, even today, will not speak out publicly about what they know about stealth euthanasia, or medical killings. 

When family members or other patient advocates are not allowed to be at the bedside, as is the case with COVID 19 patients, some or all of the things that can go wrong without an advocate's careful attentive care, will go wrong.

When the Holocaust was happening, some escaped and told others what was happening, and others responded:

"That's not believable!"

"Nobody would ever do such things! You are mad!"

But it was true.

When people speak about the stealth euthanasias occurring in hospices and elsewhere, people still respond, "that's not credible!"  Even after decades of reporting this.  We don't have any credibility in the eyes of those who would deny the voice of the family survivors who plead for justice! 

There is no other story that is as censored as the reality of stealth euthanasia!  That they continue to censor it is a crime!

I would ask about those hospitals (not all!) where COVID patients are not being provided proper care:

"What kind of values and worldview do these administrators of the hospitals have?  Are they pro-life? DO they affirm the Hippocratic Oath still, to "Do No Harm?"

Or, are they utilitarian, secular bioethicists, and believe like Ezekiel Emanuel, MD (of the NIH) that people need not live past a certain age, that services need not be provided to the elderly that are guaranteed for others.  Are they like the Nazi doctors who just didn't care about the lives of their patients? Or who actually wanted those they considered "useless eaters" dead?

So, yes, I'd like more credible sources, but most people are afraid. Health care is ruled by fear. It's very strange, but most nurses need their income and fear losing the support for their families so they just shut up and stay silent about what is going on, even those who "care" about their patients!

There are several videos of Dr Cameron Kyle Sidell of New York online, some with technical medical discussions showing that this is not a normal corona virus (which we know and have reported extensively). Here are some videos that are from Dr Sidell or have him in them:

Here Dr Kyle-Sidell is interviewed by WEBMD about the protocols being used:


Here Dr Kyle-Sidell talks about the strange clinical picture they are seeing with COVID patients:

and  this is a medical level technical discussion with 3 physicians (one from Italy) and others about treating COVID patients

Please share with others you know.


for those who missed this one:

The truth about Dr Fauci (in a short 13 minute video)
Suzanne Hammer (pen name for a Christian RN) "Hammer it Out" interview   April 25, 2020
article at:

13 minute video originally posted on Brighteon.com at Washington Standard (in case the other one gets removed):


BY ARISTOS GEORGIOU    4/27/20  Newsweek.com


BLOOD: Andrew Cuomo Forced High Risk Nursing Homes to Admit COVID Patients, Spreading Killer Virus Amongst The Most Vulnerable
Some patients were transferred with body bags accompanying them
Apr 26, 2020     By Shane Trejo


“Dr. Fauci Gave $3.7 Million to Wuhan Laboratory… Something Is Going On” – Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci
By Jim Hoft   April 26, 2020


Bill Gates Attacks U.S., Praises China: ‘China Did A Lot Of Things Right At The Beginning’
By Ryan Saavedra   APRIL 26TH, 2020   DailyWire.com

"Left-wing billionaire Bill Gates attacked the United States during a CNN interview on Sunday while praising communist China, claiming that China “did a lot of things right at the beginning” of the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan....."

[Really? This Chinese woman -- if she is still alive which is doubtful -- disagrees!

See: https://www.brighteon.com/e521ae50-337b-4bf8-8d7c-eb73d59acc0d


Canadians oppose euthanasia for mental illness and child euthanasia. Canada must reject Bill C-7
Alex Schadenberg, Exec Dir, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition  April 20, 2020


If you want to get into who was most involved in the research on this virus in Wuhan, China, watch the excellent documentary on this very subject by The Epoch Tmes here.

This explains how the virus was engineered step by step using knowledge gathered in other nations such as the US, Canada, Australia, France, etc.:

Documentary Explores the Origins of the CCP Virus
BY CATHERINE YANG     April 9, 2020


Here we see how the Nazi doctors were brought to the US and what the US, its CIA and other organization did to control what people think:

You will understand what the Leftists have done with the entertainment media and society to control how many citizens think over the past several decades.

Read the The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network plan that we have all been subjected to throughout the world and pay attention to their "lockdown" plan.  Look at the chapter beginning on page 18 entitled:

"LOCK STEP Scenario Narratives"

"A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback."


"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

"...Supreme excellence
  [in defeating your enemy]
consists in breaking the enemy's resistance
without fighting."

                              -  The Art of War, ch III,2
                                   "Attack by Strategem,"
                                                    by Lao Tse

So, the "greatest" deception in this "war" is to get us -- their enemy -- to willingly agree to surrender to some degree of "martial law," shutdowns, or "more authoritarian" government, contrary to the US Constitution!

Bill Gates has repeatedly and publicly expressed support for reducing the human population by 10% to 15% (and don't let anyone convince you otherwise). He stated this as clear as can be many times, here, for example:

Innovating to Zero
Bill Gates TED Talk   Feb 20, 2010

Listen very carefully. He equates you and me to "the problem." He equates you and me to creators of "evil" CO2 emissions that must be reduced to Zero!

And, Bill Gates says very clearly that one part of getting to "zero" emissions is to reduce the world population by 10-15% through the use of vaccines!

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given $ millions in grants to the World Health Organization and the NIH.


CDC (CoronaVirus COVID 19 center)
World Health Organization (COVID 19 center)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How to prepare and protect yourself
What to do if you think you are sick


If You are Sick or Caring for someone who is Sick

Johns Hopkins CoronaVirus Resource Center

COVID 19 Stats from every country
Save Yourself from Immunity "Storm"
Russell L Blaylock, MD
The Blaylock Wellness Report Vol 15, No 4 

These supplements can be ordered online from SwansonVitamins.com or Puritan's Pride supplements  www.puritan.com or Mercola.com

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All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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