800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Jane StClair speaks re Hospice Asstd Suicide  Robert Kennedy Jr Speaks to 1 Million in Berlin  reCovid Coup Stats Expose Fraud

We repeat every time: Globalists can't allow ordinary cures for COVID 19 because then there would be no need for their draconian orders, contact tracing and vaccines

Can't read or see images?  View this email in a browser

Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

Please share this with others so they know!

If you don't share this, most people won't have a clue what is really happening! Why? Google and other tech companies are censoring pro-life and patient advocacy sites so people don't find us easily. Let others know about us.

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter:
Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

If you want to really understand the COVID COUP, then look at our COVID Information Page where all the documents and videos that explain the actual entire agenda they have laid out publicly and openly is shared with all of you. The media refuse to share any of this with you!


... then, if my people, who bear my name,
will humble themselves, pray,
seek my face and turn from their evil ways,
I will hear from heaven,
forgive their sin and heal their land.
                       -   2 Chronicles 7:14

Some may wish to review:   Revelation 6:1-7


Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be
The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus.
By Apoorva Mandavilli    Aug. 29, 2020


Our friend and former HPA Board member, Jane St Clair will speak tonight (Wednesday Sept 2nd) about Hospice and the evils of assisted-suicide, on BlogTalkRadio hosted by Marsha Joiner.

"Jane is the author of many short stories and poems which you can read at her website. She also is author of a novel Walk Me to Midnight which takes a strong stand against assisted suicide. Jane lost her Mom, Dad and Sister to cancer with hospice by their side over 15 years+ ago but actually had a different experience than most of us have had. She wrote a short story titled MUTE that is so touching and has haunted me ever since I read it. Please join us so you can hear for yourself.

Dial 917-388-4520 or listen live on the internet. 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern Time Zones 


Prior Recent BlogTalkRadio Interviews:

Aug 19, 2020 interview hosted by Marsha Joiner:

Listen as "Jenny Thombleson Reid  tells us how she lost her Mom, Rosemary Tombleson on February 13, 2020 and then lost her Dad, John Thombleson 4 months later on June 11, 2020. She will share with us the multiple hospice facilities that she had taking care of her parents and how they failed them and she fired one facility and hired another multiple times trying to find someone who care for and take good care of her parents and do what they promised to do. It is disappointing that hospice promises so much and delivers so little." Listen online.

Aug 5, 2020 interview hosted by Marsha Joiner:

Listen as "guest Sara Burns who tell us how her Dad Jack Newsome spent his last few weeks being drugged with morphine and Ativan which ultimately ended his life on May 23rd, 2020 only 3 days before he would have turned 88! He notified his wife that he was being abused in the nursing home and immediately afterwards he was signed up for hospice! His wife was tricked into signing papers." Listen online.


A wonderful and powerful speech:

Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Speaks to 1 Million in Berlin
about the COVID Globalist Coup, the Fraud, 
and the developing 5G Surveillance State
at Freedom Rally in Berlin, Germany
August 29, 2020  (just under 8 minute video)

"Children's Health Defense's Chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to an estimated one million ( arial video ) in Berlin, Germany calling for democracy and free speech in the face of the current massive, world-wide power grab and violation of human rights in progress. "The only thing that governments need to make people into slaves is fear," Kennedy said in a seven minute speech, met with robust applause from a crowd flying flags from seemingly all European countries. "They have not done a very good job of protecting public health, but they've done a very good job of using the quarantine to bring 5G technology into all of our communities and to begin the process of shifting us all into digital currency, which is the beginning of slavery," Kennedy added."


The Fauci Files
(Fauci: Expert or COVID-19 Accomplice?)
by Dr. Joseph Mercola   September 01, 2020


“COVID-19: A Devil’s Choice”  by John Schroeter
BY: VAXXTERADMIN3     08/31/2020
Interviewed and written by Maria Ryan 


Talk about oppressive policies to coerce submission:



‘Take off the mask!’ Thousands gather in London for ‘Unite for Freedom’ rally, demanding ‘back to normal now’
29 Aug, 2020   RT


Only 6% die solely from COVID 19, so what is going on?

Technocrats Freak Out Over CDC’s 6% COVID Death Figure


About 73,733 nursing home residents are said to have died from COVID 19.  That's only 1.6% of the population, yet they account for 42% of the deaths!  So, what is going on, really?

Nursing homes, assisted living facilities account for 42% of COVID-19 deaths despite being just 1.6% of U.S. population
by Jordyn Pair   May 26th, 2020


Brave Italian physician, Dr Roberto Petrella Speaks Out about the totalitarian COVID Coup, the coming Mandatory Vaccination program, the harms that will result, the depopulation agenda and masks:

Dr. Roberto Petrella  Aug 26, 2020 (under 7 min video)

and article:

The Dangers of the COVID Operation
By Dr. Roberto Petrella, Vanessa Beeley, and Mark Taliano   Global Research, August 26, 2020


Yes, they will make it mandatory (as much as they can):

COVID vaccine likely to be mandatory in Australia, Scott Morrison says after signing deal with [Bill Gates funded] Oxford University
by Brett Worthington       18 Aug 2020


The Pre  Mask-Cult-Science Against Universal Public Masking Hasn’t Changed One Bit
by Scott Morefield    Aug 31, 2020

and the British Medical Journal explains why public use of masks is NOT advised:

Covid-19: Important potential side effects of wearing face masks that we should bear in mind
A Lazzarino, A Steptoe, M Hamer, and S Michie
21 May 2020    BMJ 2020;369:m2003


I Will Not Take A Covid-19 Vaccine
By Devvy Kidd    August 31st, 2020


Scottish Hate Crime Bill: Atheists Plan to Target Christians for ‘Spreading Hate’
by KURT ZINDULKA         30 Aug 2020


Since some have complained about this problem: for those who think they have lost emails, can't find emails they know they had, and use GMail:

How to Regain Control and Find the Email Gmail Might Be Hiding From You
by Leo A. Notenboom


Previously listed but vitally important videos and articles:

Watch this exposé and there can be no doubt about how this global pandemic was planned, and what we are experiencing and enduring now is being imposed by those who planned it all to "Reset" all nations' governments and economies.  That is not my or anyone's "opinion." "They" openly tell us that this is what they are doing!

In-doctor-nation: Plandemic 2.0:
Exposing The Lies We’re Being Told About The “Virus”
(Video)   Tim Brown     August 19, 2020 (article with links)

Full video and several other articles and video segments originally posted at the Freedom Platform:

The full video is also at our site here:


and if you missed these, we are keeping these here because everyone needs to see the following:

The CDC graph shows that for all age groups, the total (supposed) deaths from COVID 19 are now approaching zero "thousands" though some deaths still occur!

There is no national emergency at this point. All the tyrannical edicts that are not based upon science are simply that: tyrannical edicts shaping the "new normal" totalitarian government.

Please share this graph with everyone you know!

accessed 8/14/2020:

CDC chart shows total COVID 19 deaths nearing zero  

but they will still roll out mandatory vaccination. They are preparing government officials, healthcare professionals, and employers to do so.  Testing, Contact tracing, Isolation and quarantining, and Vaccination will be mandatory for many!


Technocrats are now running the show, but communist style tyranny is foundational for the takeover of our nations.  The Soviet Union is gone, but global communism moves on to spread its dark hold over everyone on Earth.

The following is an older video from 1969, but please watch and share:

Communist Smear Tactics,
Communist Revolution in America
G. Edward Griffin    April 3, 1969

Dividing the American people by race, and fomenting violence between the black and white populations has been planned for decades. We are now witnessing this Marxist movement in our time.


The several decades long plan is actually carried out in our public schools and universities:

The Four Stages of Communist Subversion of America
G Edward Griffin interview with Yuri Bezmenov

In this 13 minute video, Soviet Defector to America Yuri Bezmenov (former high level KGB agent) reveals the communist plans to take over America through the decades, educating the students into Marxism/socialism)

In a 1985 interview with American author, G. Edward Griffin, former KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov, lays out the 4 steps used to transform the thought process and behavior of an entire population by brainwashing the entire nation through and into Ideological Subversion
Four steps to Ideological Subversion:

1. Demoralization: Takes 15-20 years- 15-20 years, the minimum amount of time required to demoralize/corrupt ONE generation of students

2. Destabilization: Takes 2-5 years

3. Crisis Usually a quick process, may take up to 6 weeks

4. Normalization: may last a vary long time and run alongside crisis stage


Radical Radical: Deception and the Cultures of Death
by Ron Panzer   2020


Please contemplate the following data from the CDC for total U.S. deaths from January through May, comparing the years 2017 thru 2020.

The total deaths from January through May 2020 have actually gone down!

So, what is going on?

Total Jan thru May U.S. deaths decreased in 2020!  
Jan-May               2017       2018      2019      2020


White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine from America's Frontline Physicians:

This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources.

The Digital Passports needed to freely live in society are coming.  Employers, government, and others may require smart phone apps to be used to prove you have been vaccinated!

This is real:

The elite are in the process of changing how the world economies and governments are arranged, depriving the people of their rights.  That means your rights will be violated (and already are being violated). 

and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

If you wish to see changes in our healthcare system, please help us in our mission! Please donate to the all-volunteer, non-profit Hospice Patients Alliance

We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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