800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


September 10: Nathan Hale Volunteers, the Sewing Machine and the Large Hadron Collider


On This Day in History

September 10, 2020

Historical Events

1776  George Washington asks for a spy volunteer, Nathan Hale volunteers

1846  Elias Howe takes out a US patent for a lockstitch sewing machine

1924  Leopold and Loeb found guilty of the murder of Robert Franks in Chicago in the "the crime of the century"

1977  Hamida Djandoubi, convicted of torture and murder, is the last person to be executed by Guillotine in France

2008  The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in the history of mankind is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland

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Famous Deaths

Jane Wyman

(1917 - 2007)

Qin Shi Huang

(259 BC - 210 BC)
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Weekly Quiz for September 9-15

In 1776 US Congress officially adopted the name 'United States of America', what was the previous name? Which war saw the 1st use of tanks on the battlefield?
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