800-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Peru

LIMA, PERU—The remains of eight people estimated to be 800 years old were discovered by workers laying gas pipes near Lima, according to an ...


Questions that Need Asking and Answering re "Them" and What "They" Do. Have Done, and Are Capable of Doing

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The Hospice Patients Alliance has been in existence since 1998 but we regret to announce that we will be ceasing operations in the next month. We have sought volunteers and increased funding through the years but have not been able to get the support needed to continue.  We are very sad about this development, but it is the reality we are facing.

We are very grateful for the blessing of serving the public for so long and to have come to know so many wonderful and loving people.


The Questions of Questions at this time ... what is it that many are asking?

How Evil Can They Be?
How much Evil can they Do?
Did they Really Do what we think they did?
Will they Really Do what we think they will?

Well, to determine how evil they are, we would need to see clearly without blinders on.  We would need to be radicalized to the truth of the matter, seeing people as they are, not as they pretend to be.

After decades, pro-lifers have seen that distinguished physicians, nurses, politicians, and others can not only contemplate but actually approve the mass killing of pre-born babies (embryonic and fetal human beings) to the tune of 60 million since 1973.

Now, we see that they celebrate the legalization of killing babies that have just been born and are the most innocent and vulnerable of all!  Not only do they celebrate this, they do it.

We have also seen the coercion of innumerable elderly, disabled, and other adults as well as children.  Coercion into facilities or coercion into hospices or palliative care units in hospitals where these victims are involuntarily executed through medications of various sorts.

How evil is that!  So many have been sent to their graves before their time.  And yet, they deny that any have been killed at all!  They deny that the ending of life is even a matter to be considered.  "Ignore it! they tell us when we mention those innocents. "You're ill-informed" they tell us when we complain about our loved ones they killed.

Yet, how evil can they be? How evil have they been?

This 19th anniversary of the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center buildings (Tower One, Two, and Seven) as well as the attack on others elsewhere in Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

But do we know the truth about those events? Or others?

What about the destruction of TWA flight 800 off Long Island in 1996?  I remember hearing witnesses on the radio immediately after the explosion of the plane in the air and they said, "We saw a missile shoot up from the water and hit the plane."  Yet, the official account was that an explosion occurred within the plane (even though the debris showed that did not happen).

Do you remember the bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995?  Immediately at the time, the FBI and all police were searching for "John Doe Number 2" who was described as Middle Eastern looking and was driving a van. However, in a day or so, the narrative changed. 

We heard nothing about "John Doe Number 2" and only Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were charged. The authorities didn't want to deal with the person called "John Doe Number 2" because it would be cause for international turmoil. But local reporter Jayna Davis wrote about the 3rd Terrorist who she found in her own investigation, but the FBI wasn't interested in the truth!

Why would the FBI not be interested in finding one of those involved in the bombing?  Why would the government lie to us?

They have their reasons.

Year after year, the authorities deny there is any problem with people being killed in healthcare settings.  "Everything is fine" according to them. But we know the truth because we've experienced the truth in our lives, our families' lives and some of them died at the hands of cold-blooded medical murderers.

How evil have they been?  Well, when the 2 Trade Center towers came down along with building 7, the federal government used that as an excuse to pass the Patriot Act which decimated our Constitutional rights and allowed certain elements of the government to spy on Americans un-Constitutionally. It was a move toward a more authoritarian government and toward a surveillance state.

Now, all of a sudden, a virus is sprung upon the people. Some would say "It just happened." "Nobody's at fault."  But the evidence is clear that Dr Fauci and others in the US government funded "gain of function" research that made coronaviruses that could not infect humans, capable of infecting humans. 

And when the research was condemned by many around the world, Fauci directed the money be paid to the EcoHealth Alliance that did transfer the funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where that research continued and from where the virus was leaked (and Yes! A Chinese whistleblower has exposed that truth. What truth? That the virus was created in the lab and leaked from the lab.)

How much suffering has been caused.  Not just because of what may or may not be the result of that virus, but because of the global experiment foisted upon the people of the world through their lockdowns and other often arbitrary rulings that have destroyed many businesses and impoverished millions around the world.

The "Global Re-set" is in motion and is being rolled out.  As the Patriot Act changed the USA forever, the empowerment of local, State and Federal authorities under "Emergency powers" acts and legislation has resulted in hundreds of petty and larger tyrants running the countries of the world.

Doesn't everyone wonder: "When will this end?"  "Will we be able to go back to normal the way it was before?"  Yet, "They" do not intend for it to go back to normal the way it was before.  It is time to wake up!  Yes, this is a global coup that we are living through and experiencing.

Food shortages, disruptions of the food supply chains and other supplies are being created intentionally.  Coin shortages are being created intentionally (they could make more if they wanted to anytime!).  Cash is being derided as "dirty" and the vehicle for transmitting disease as may be eliminated over time.  Even without legislation, cash could be put out of usage when businesses voluntarily refuse to accept cash for sale of products and services!

How evil could they be and will they be?  Well, as evil as you can imagine.  They clearly are willing to let millions die (globally) through disruption of businesses, employment, food supplies, shortages of other supplies, and by intentionally depriving the people of effective medications for their illnesses. There are effective remedies that are being used in some locations but many authorities are blocking these as they can ... and evilly doing so.

Intentionally creating conditions where the elderly are sent into facilities to infect others resulting in thousands dying? Evil! In other words, "They" want many to die.  Judging not by their words, but by their actions, Yes, "They" want thousands and thousands of businesses to fail.  It's predictable and certain they will (and have) as a result of their policies.  It is not "following the data and the science!"  They lie!


In case you need more to think about to convince you how evil they have been, are, and will be, please listen to this special
Sept 11, 2020 interview with Richard Gage, AIA
— Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth 
on the Free Thought Project:

A 3 day conference, "Justice Rising," with many architects and engineers will go into detail about what actually happened on 9/11/2001.Architects, engineers, and scientists have proved that the official narrative could not be true at all.  Office fires, jet fuel, cannot create molten steel and the evidence shows that a military grade explosive, thermite, was used to bring down the buildings.

You can attend this conference online:

You can sign your name to the petition asking for an independent investigation of what really happened on 9/11:

Over 3,000 architects and engineers have already signed this petition because they know that the official narrative is not close to being possibly true.

Thermite was found in the rubble and would not be part of the building in any scenario.  This is not to deny that planes hit the 2 towers, but what the whole truth is, involves much more.  Sometimes, a terrible event is used as an excuse to enact harsh laws that give great and terrible power to the government.

Building 7 came straight down in a manner that duplicated an intentional building demolition and implosion through explosives.  Hundreds of firefighters, police, and civilians at the time heard explosives going off just before the Trade towers fell.  Jet planes do not cause explosives to go off.

Conspiracy?  That's what "they" call those who are exposing the truth.  That's what they do when they wish to hide the truth.

That is the case with 9/11 and the Patriot Act. That is the case with the current "pandemic" that (if we are to believe the statistics) kills a very small percent of the public ... less than 1 percent and even less than 1/10th of 1 percent have been killed solely due to the virus (without serious co-morbidities being involved).

We are being lied to in various ways.  Some truth mixed in with some or many lies in order to keep everyone under government control.  This was never done before for much more deadly pandemics!  Never!

On this anniversary of 9/11, please listen to that interview noted above. And attend the conference online today and tomorrow if you want more detailed information from the experts. The families of those murdered on 9/11 (and through the years after due t cancer and other injuries) want justice and an impartial accurate investigation.  The official narrative is obviously a lie. It is impossible when structural, engineering, and metallurgical reality is considered.


Yes, Hospice Patients Alliance will be ending as a non-profit charitable organization and our operations will end as we are not able to continue (for various reasons).  We will have more to share in the near future.

Through September all books and articles by Ron Panzer have been made downloadable for free in pdf format at the following links below. 

Just open them in your browser and save them.

If you want them, download them now while you can.  
They will not be there after September.  Ron will be retiring from Hospice Patients Alliance work and after 22 years, we have not been able to find someone with former hospice experience to join our work. 

HPA will be shutting down.  The website pages will be archived on the Internet Archive as well as another site (we will let you know when that is done).

Here are the books:

Restoring the Culture of Life  
(The Ethics of Life in Healthcare and Society)

Radical Radical: Deception and the Cultures of Death

Stealth Euthanasia: Healthcare Tyranny in America

Articles by Ron Panzer 2003 through May 2012

Articles by Ron Panzer May 2012 through June 2016

Called to Serve

The Heart of End of Life Care (2006)

Guide to Hospice Care (2014 version)

Pro-life Audio Interviews are available for download at the link below. Download them now (right click and save):

The pro-life videos that are listed at our site will be copied to www.bitchute.com (from Youtube where they can be seen now at the above link). We will have the videos placed at a different channel but they will be ale to be found when searching for them.  We will let you know where they are in a future newsletter.

Bitchute.com does not censor videos that are shared (just like Youtube) and many videos that disappear at Youtube are available at Bitchute.com.  We recommend that you check them out if something disappears at Youtube.

All healthcare must be pro-life,
otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341


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